
The best hybrids of tomatoes with photos and descriptions 26.02.2018

Tomato "Nastena f1": unpretentious and fruitful

The remarkable feature of all early varieties is not only in their maturity, but also in the fact that they are not bothered by insect pests, since their active reproduction occurs in the second half of summer.

general information

As you could understand, this tomato has an early ripening period, which is preferred by many summer residents. Such tomatoes are pleased with their vitamins at the beginning of summer. In addition, "Nastya" can still be planted and for sale, as it has excellent yield, stored for a long time. The breeders from Russia took the hybrid, it is included in the state register. In growing quite unpretentious, has its own requirements, but they are easily fulfilled. With the bushes do not have to mess around a lot, a hybrid grows both in the street and in greenhouses. Gardeners praise "Nastya", choose it from year to year.

Characteristics and description


"Nastena" has a bush up to 1.2 meters high, of determinant type, on the street it often does not exceed one meter. The leaves on the branches are few, but the bushes themselves are quite powerful, stable. The color of the leaves is dark green. The hybrid does not require a pinching, respectively, and it is also not necessary to form it. If we talk about support, then each summer resident decides for himself whether to tie up bushes or not, since on the one hand they are strong, not high, but on the other - if it is often windy in the region and taking into account the high yield it is better to be safe.

Few leaves on the branches also have their plus - the fruits ripen quickly, evenly, there is no excess moisture. That is, a tomato at the expense of its characteristics will help save you time and energy. But here it is rather demanding to feedings, in the sense that complex fertilizers will have to be applied at home - 1-2 times for seedlings, and on the street - up to 3-4 times. But about it in agrotechnology, for now we continue acquaintance with the characteristic and the description of a grade of a tomato "Nasten".


Many gardeners prefer this hybrid precisely because of the indicators of the tomatoes themselves. They are quite compact - 150-200 grams, that is, very convenient for canning in general, but they can mature, according to reviews, specimens and up to 300 grams. But there are other advantages.


  • noteworthy tomatoes in their very good keeping quality, transportability;
  • fleshy tomatoes;
  • there are very few seeds in them, which is another plus for a hybrid, because its seeds are still not suitable for harvesting;
  • Tomatoes have a red hue of the skins, the stalk has no green spot, no ribbing;
  • shape - rounded, slightly flattened.
Many believe that hybrid varieties, though unpretentious, but the taste strongly lose to their fellows, but it is not. Now breeders have already brought a lot of tomatoes with excellent taste indicators.


We have already mentioned several times that Nastena tomatoes and, according to reviews, and according to the producers, an early ripe variety. That is, you will receive your first fruits about 90-100 days after the rise of the seedlings.

The terms in each region are, of course, different, they also depend on the conditions in a particular year, the availability of nutrients in the soil.

Previously, you can also get a crop, provided that the crop is grown in a greenhouse.

See also: Tomato Peach Series: Advantages and Disadvantages

Disease and Pest Resistance

For each summer resident, this information is very important, because parasites and ailments can ruin the entire harvest and labors in a couple of days. But with the "Wall" you are afraid of nothing - the hybrid has excellent resistance to the most common diseases, insects do not bother him at the expense of early ripeness. To eliminate all risks, the site is well prepared for prophylaxis before planting and spraying with a weak solution of manganese every couple of weeks.

Experienced gardeners always remember to observe crop rotation. “Nastya” is best planted after cucumbers, cabbage, legumes, herbs, greens, carrots.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you understand, the hybrid is pretty good, and in order for you to make the right choice, we will once again mention the points, what should you pay your attention to.

Pluses tomatoes "Nastya":

  • fruitful tomato - according to reviews, it can give, with good care, up to 18 kg from a square meter;
  • saves time - it is not necessary to step the bushes, to form, thin out, supports - at will;
  • not sick and not afraid of insects;
  • fruits are very tasty and are suitable for canning and for eating fresh;
  • long stored and well transported;
  • has good resistance to lower temperatures.

But does this wonderful hybrid have negative sides? If you can call it that, that is.

Cons of tomatoes:

  • any hybrid variety does not produce a good harvest for the second year, therefore there is no reason to collect the seeds;
  • Demanding on the amount of fertilizing, but you can use the usual complex drugs for the whole growing season;

So, as you can see, a decent tomato. If you are interested in him, then we advise you to get acquainted with the method of its cultivation, it is quite simple, but still it is worth exploring for everyone.

Agrotechnical "Nastena F1"

Sowing seedlings

Sowing seeds begin in March, so that by the time of disembarkation they reach the age of 50-55 days, the weather is already established, and the frost has passed. For most regions, the transfer will take place at the end of May and in June to open ground and two weeks earlier in the greenhouse. Presowing treatment can do or not. That is, if you are afraid of diseases, then soak the seeds in a solution of manganese for half an hour in 2-3 days, for a day you can put in a growth stimulator.

Substantial assistance to the summer resident has a lunar sowing calendar, do not forget to look into it every year.

Sowing produced in the purchase of soil or make the composition of their equal parts of humus, land from the garden and sand. Each soil is watered with boiling water, then dried, sunflower seeds are buried by 1.5 cm and sprinkled with a layer of peat. Moisturize and cover with film, put in a warm room at a temperature of 25 degrees.

The film is removed after germination for about 5-7 days. After the seedlings need watering, the sun. Feeding is carried out 1-2 times with a full complex of fertilizers. Dive in the phase of 3-4 true leaves, make the first feed only 10-14 days after thinning.

See also: The best indeterminantny grades of tomatoes for greenhouses from polycarbonate

Transplanting seedlings

As always, before transferring the seedlings, you need to harden for two weeks by lowering the temperature. The soil is prepared in advance - weeds are removed, dug up, sand or peat are introduced for drainage, a little ash. If the soil is sour, then wake the area with lime.

Bushes are small but powerful, so they need a place. Mineral feed is added to each well when planted.

Watered with warm water, which settled for a day. The soil around the trunk of seedlings is tamped and mulched with peat or straw.


Care is quite simple - watering as needed. The hybrid is picky about the air in the soil, so loosening is required every time after watering. Support can be put at once during landing or in process of maturing of fruits. Of course, there should be no weeds on the plot, we have already mentioned the prevention of diseases.

They also talked about fertilizers - they are mandatory and should be applied regularly - every 10-14 days after two weeks after the transfer. For top dressing, Nastenas provide complete complex preparations, where there is a lot of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen in smaller quantities. According to reviews, this agrotechnical for tomato “Nastena F1” is enough, the photo proves that summer residents have excellent yields.

See also: Characteristics and description varieties tomato "ox ear"

You can safely buy for this season a new tomato. He will not take much time and effort from you, but he will be pleased with the quality of the fruits.

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