The best indeterminantny grades of tomatoes for greenhouses from polycarbonate

Considering questions of productivity and expediency of use of all space, vegetable growers choose indeterminantny grades of tomatoes for greenhouses, and it many times increases a recoupment of structures.
Planting tomatoes in closed ground, we first of all want to get an early harvest and for this you need to carefully select the varietal composition.
"Diana F1"
LLC Tomagros Breeding and Seed Company Moscow has produced a salad hybrid which will be the way for those engaged in commercial products.
Lettuce and early ripe tomato gives round-shaped fruits with weak ribbing, dense texture and beautiful, rich pink color.
The average weight of the fruit is 130 g. Having good tasting rates, Diana F1 has a high yield of up to 18 kg / m.2 and excellent transportability.
Pink tomatoes, with good taste and the ability to transport over long distances are in demand in the market by consumers and chosen by vegetable growers.
- early ripening;
- excellent transportability;
- high yield;
- pink color of fruits.
"Angel F1"
The variety was donated by the breeders of Agrofirm Poisk LLC, Moscow Region and FFGBNU VNII of Vegetable Growing, Moscow Region.
Tomato salad destination.
An early indeterminant hybrid carries a large green leaf and needs timely garter and plant formation.
The fruits are round, dense and smooth, red. The average weight in the range of 150-170 g.
Tomatoes received a “good” grade during tasting.
- early maturation;
- good product yield;
- good taste;
- high yield
Ordynka F1
Super fruitful with a high output of goods, the hybrid burst into the registry in 2014 and has already caused a stir among vegetable growers.
Breeders of the Institute of Vegetable Growing of Protected Soil LLC, Moscow and LLC Gavrish Breeding Company, have developed a very productive hybrid.
Early ripe, light green, indeterminate with a short brush (4 to 6 fruits), it has the property of self-regulation.
The fruit has a flat-rounded shape, solid in density, red in color.
The average weight of 160 g. Tomatoes leveled without grinding, with good taste.
Yield indicators surprise even experienced vegetable growers and are 37-41 kg per m2. This figure is 14 kg above the standard grade in its category.
Admire and resistance to diseases. The hybrid does not suffer from fusarium, verticillosis, cladoosporiosis and tobacco mosaic virus.
- super yield;
- excellent product output;
- disease resistance;
- good product quality.
Considering all the indicators, the hybrid can be attributed to the category “the best indeterminant varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses”.
Middle forty maturation
See also: Tomato Bonsai: a unique tree in your apartment
The hybrid was introduced to the market by the specialists of Gavrish Breeding Company LLC, Moscow.
Salad, indeterminate, requiring careful formation.
Fruits are flat-round, dense and smooth.The immature fruit has a pronounced green spot at the stem, with the ripening tomatoes are gaining bright scarlet color.
Tomatoes have an average weight of 130-150 g and an excellent, balanced taste.
Fruit product yield is good, and the yield is within 10-12 kg per m2.
Kubano F1
LLC Gavrish Breeding Company, Moscow, has produced a tomato as a salad, indeterminate.
Hybrid was chosen by those vegetable growers who carry out the cultivation and transportation of fruits over long distances.
Fruits are flat-round, red, smooth. In terms of density, they are medium to intensive elasticity, this is what allows them to be limp and transportable.
Mass average tomato 120-160 g. Taste properties are good.
- high transportability and quality;
- good disease resistance;
- yield
"Peter the First F1"
Agrofirm Zedek LLC, Moscow Region, presented a hybrid to vegetable growers.
Lettuce, tall tomato bears fruits of an elliptical shape. Smooth, red and very dense.
When the cut is seen 2-3 nests. The mass of an average tomato is 100-130 g. Tastes are good.
Yield within 8-9 kg per square meter of greenhouse area.
- equal in size and shape;
- high product yield;
- interesting form.
Equipping a greenhouse, growers plan to receive not only the earliest tomatoes, but also later ones, when the vegetation in the open field is already finished. In this regard, the following hybrid should be considered.
Carleone F1
Hybrid created breeders company Enza Zaden (Holland).
The use of tomato is universal. Fruits can be applied both in salad cooking, and for whole-canning.
The fruits of the obovate hybrid are dense, hard and red. The average weight of 130 g without grinding, all aligned in shape and color.
The hybrid yield at a very decent level and is 25 kg per square meter of greenhouse.
Those vegetable growers who have already tried out a hybrid in their greenhouses, talk about decent performance and do not want to look for a replacement.
- universal purpose;
- good product yield;
- excellent yield.
Extended Crop Tomato
"Aramis F1"
At the end of the last century, the breeding company Gavrish LLC has created a hybrid that can for a long time please the grower with fruits.
The strong-growing plant already for 120 days from full shoots allows you to enjoy the fruits.
Leaf plate slightly corrugated.
The fruit is smooth, without gloss, round, red. Weight within 115-120 g, yield at 21 kg / m2.
The hybrid has a complex disease resistance.
- high yield;
- great taste;
- plastic;
- use in low-volume culture.
Large fruit
Planting a greenhouse, the grower wants to get not only a good commodity shaft, but also the harvest of a large and fleshy fruit. It should be borne in mind that the largest, tall tomatoes for greenhouses do not exceed a weight of 220 g. Such indicators may not suit some vegetable growers, but greenhouse means not only getting one tomato from a bush weighing 600 g, but getting a commercial shaft.
Among the most large-fruited, the following hybrids can be considered:
Belfast F1
Tomato you led to the market breeders of the company Enza Zaden (Holland).
Tomato of early term of maturing, salad, indeterminantny.
Fruits are round, with low ribbing, medium dense with many chambers and medium density.
Fruit weight up to 200 g. Taste of a tomato is good by tasting.
The hybrid deserves special attention among those vegetable growers for whom the yield is in the first place.Considering the ultra-early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses tall it is necessary to take into account that the average commodity yield of the hybrid is 26.2 kg per square meter of greenhouse area and this figure is higher than the standard.
- excellent yield;
- good taste;
- high yield of fruits;
- good transportability.
See also: Tomato "Yablonka Russia". Characteristics and description of the variety
F1 Chart
Firm Nunhems of the Netherlands produced a hybrid that is early ripe and light green.
Fruits are round, with weak ribbing, dense. The average weight of the fruit is from 10 to 240 g. The taste of tomatoes is excellent. Acid-balanced sugar composition gives tomatoes a special taste and aroma.
However, it should be noted that in the pursuit of large-fruited hybrid slightly lost yields and it is 4.6 kg per square meter of greenhouse area.
Commodity yield is high, up to 99.5%, all tomatoes are uniform and homogeneous.
The hybrid has good resistance to brown spot and tobacco mosaic virus.
- large fruits;
- great taste;
- high product yield;
- disease resistance.
"Berberan F1"
Manufacturers ENZA ZADEN BEHEER B.V. Netherlands.
The early ripe hybrid has a flat-rounded tomato with medium ribbing and very good density.
The color of the tomato is red, and the average weight is 180-200 g. The fruit has 4-6 nests.
Taste indicators are rated "excellent".
The yield of marketable tomato ranging from 8 to 11 kg with m2 square
- excellent taste data;
- large fruit;
- early maturation;
- excellent disease resistance.
"Dimerosis F1"
Manufacturer: ENZA ZADEN BEHEER B.V. Netherlands.
The ripening period of the hybrid is medium early, it is bred for salad use.
The fruit is dense, hard, round, with a lot of cameras and a rich pink color.
Tastes excellent, balanced, pleasant.
This tomato can be categorized as tall tomatoes for greenhouses, high-yielding and large-fruited, because its average fruit weighs about 200 g, and the average yield is about 30 kg per square meter.
- large fruits;
- great taste;
- early ripening;
- excellent yield.
"Pozano F1"
Made a hybrid company ENZA ZADEN BEHEER B.V. Netherlands.
Very early products will not be possible, since the hybrid is medium early. Fruits of universal purpose, they can be used both on salad and for whole-canning.
Although the weight of the fruit is in the range of 180-200 g, its cylindrical shape allows you to safely climb into the neck of the jar, and even the experienced chefs are surprised by the density and elasticity.
The taste of fresh tomato and the fact that it was mothballed or marinated are excellent. The fleshy consistency and dense skin makes the tomato resistant to heat treatments, and it perfectly maintains integrity.
- large fruits;
- interesting form;
- excellent taste data;
- universality;
- good yield.
See also: Tomato "Raspberry Giant": simple agricultural technology and excellent harvest
"Aigen F1"
Made a hybrid breeders company ENZA ZADEN BEHEER B.V. Netherlands.
Medium ripening. Tomato fruit has a flat-rounded shape with medium ribbing. Tomatoes are average in density, and their color is bright red. Gnezd 6 and more. Mass marketable tomatoes in the range of 160-220 g
Taste properties of tomatoes at a decent level, balanced and pleasant.
The average yield is not very high from 9 to 11 kg / m2.
Marketable yield of 99.5%.
The hybrid is resistant to Fusarium, Cladosporia, Verticillosis, Tobacco Mosaic Virus.
- large fruits;
- good taste;
- good product yield;
- high resistance to complex diseases.
Before giving preference to one or other hybrids, you should take care of a very high soil agrofone, since only fertility will make it possible to reveal the full genetic potential of high-yielding tomatoes.
Video: The best varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse