Tomato "Raspberry ringing f1": happy gardeners stable harvest
In a friendly tomato family there are groups of tomatoes of different colors. Among them, sweet, healthy pink (raspberry) tomatoes stand out for their great taste. Such healthy people are appreciated for the fact that they contain a lot of useful substances, a lot of vitamins. Doctors have found that pink-cheeked tomatoes are much more useful than red ones, because dry substances, selenium, and others are useful for a person in pink tomatoes a third more than in red ones.
A pound of fresh this fruit or 200 g of their juice per day is an excellent protection against oncology, strengthens the cardiovascular system, reduces much the risk of heart attack, stroke, reduces the likelihood of prostatitis by 75%. Because many gardeners, gardeners tend to plant in their plots at least a few bushes of pink tomatoes. Among the many varieties of tomato stands out favorably Raspberry ringing F1, its description and excellent characteristics confirms the many photos with reviews of those gardeners who have already grown in this outstanding hybrid.
Characteristic and description
Crimson ringing is a 1st generation hybrid derived by domestic breeders. Therefore, we must bear in mind that, possessing impressive high qualities, it is somewhat more demanding to care. However, this does not stop those who, once having grown this miracle in their home, each season, they acquire seeds and plant it on their own plot again.
Description of the bush
- determinant;
- early ripening: fruits ripen in 95-105 days after germination;
- shtambovy: the root system is not strongly developed, does not go to a depth, expands in breadth by about 50 cm;
- compact bush: grows up to 50 cm in the open, up to 120 cm in protected ground;
- however, the stem is strong enough, strong to withstand a lot of ripe tomatoes;
- leaf mass increases usual for most typical varieties;
- leaves are also common: dark green, hairless, medium size, slightly wrinkled;
- intermediate type simple inflorescences are laid over the fifth to sixth sheets of the first, following every two leaves;
- the tomato stem has a strong joint;
- about eight simple type brushes form on a bush;
- on average, six to eight large tomatoes develop on each hand;
- yield is consistently high: from one bush you can get 4-5 kg of large pink-raspberry tomatoes;
- bushes require tying up, because they can lie down under the weight of the fruit;
- in order to obtain larger quality fruits, the bush, although it is determinant, should pinch the shoots as needed;
- grazing is compulsory;
- it is possible and recommended the formation of a bush in 1-2 stems;
- excellent keeping quality;
- very good transportability.
In the protected ground bushes grow up to 1.2 cm, give a greater yield than in the garden. However, in the open ground fruits are more delicious and fragrant.
Fruit Description
Fruits of tomato Raspberry jingle attract with their outstanding qualities:
- fruits reach an average of about 300 g;
- diameter on average about 10 cm;
- pinching shoots and adjusting the number of inflorescences in the brush, you can get larger fruits;
- tomatoes are round, medium, dense;
- pink-raspberry tomatoes;
- during ripening, the color of the tomato changes from light green to deep pink;
- difference from other varieties: a dark green spot near the stem is absent;
- skin: glossy shiny, smooth, thin, but does not crack;
- taste balanced, sweet, similar to the taste of watermelon;
- the flesh is rather fleshy, medium density, juicy, fragrant;
- seed chambers: 3-4 pieces;
- very few seeds;
- dry matter: below average;
- you can collect the fruit and in the stage of blanket ripeness;
- tomatoes are well dispensed;
- successfully saved at t - 20about-22aboutC in a dark dry place.
Description of tomato variety Crimson jingle indicates the excellent product quality of this tomato, which attracts farmers and those who grow tomatoes on an industrial scale:
- stable high yield;
- fruits are perfectly proportioned;
- can be stored for a long time;
- Do not lose the presentation during transportation.
Farmers do not stop at the same time even the fact that the variety Raspberry jingle is more demanding to care.
Appointment mainly salad, for the fresh use, for sauces, suppression, salting (in a large container with a wide throat). For canning, especially whole-fruit fruits, they are not very suitable: 3-liter cans go through the neck with great difficulty, except that you can still collect smaller fruits from the bush, but even those may not get through.
The variety was bred by domestic breeders, the Crimson Ringing was introduced in the State Register in 2009. Originator CJSC Scientific - Production Company "Russian Seeds". The grade is intended for cultivation in the discovered and closed soil.
See also: Tomato "Cardinal": characteristics and description of the variety
Disease and Pest Resistance
The tomato Raspberry jingle, thanks to the excellent work of breeders, turned out to be very resistant to the diseases characteristic of tomatoes. He has sufficiently strong immunity and a high degree of immunity to:
- late blight;
- alternariozu;
- virus mosaic;
- Fusarium;
- tobacco mosaic.
However, good immunity and high resistance to infection by diseases do not mean at all that it is not necessary to take measures to prevent infection by diseases and prevent attacks by pests:
- do not plant close to tomatoes other plants from the family of the nightshade, which have diseases and pests that are common with tomatoes;
- do not thicken the planting of tomatoes;
- tie up bushes for better airing and sunlit lighting;
- do not allow overmoistening (it is better not to overfill than to overflow);
- in the greenhouse to monitor the temperature and level of illumination, to air regularly;
- also regularly inspect plants for pest damage;
- it is possible to carry out preventive spraying with fungicides and insecticides (before the beginning of the growing season and the formation of fruits);
- plant useful medicinal plants next to the tomatoes, which will scare away pests and some viruses.
Greenhouses should be kept clean, before planting seedlings in it, the room and soil should be disinfected.
Advantages and disadvantages
Any plant has its own good and not very quality. The same applies to the variety Raspberry Jingle.
- large fruits;
- early maturity;
- balanced excellent taste;
- high stable yield;
- strong immunity and resistance to diseases and pests;
- can be stored very well and for a long time:
- perfectly dozarya;
- without problems transfers even long transportation, without losing at the same time the high commodity qualities.
Here you can add almost universality of use and use.
- for some, the inability to obtain their seeds from this remarkable hybrid may be a disadvantage;
- demanding care (although, if you follow, in general, simple agrotechnology, you can grow it without problems).
And this is the only claim to the variety. Other deficiencies for all years not revealed.
Features of growing varieties
The hybrid of tomato variety Raspberry jingle is a bit more demanding to care, but it's worth it: in response to attention and care, the tomato will respond with a rich harvest of very tasty, sweet, beautiful fruits. In general, the agronomy cultivation of raspberry ping is not much different from the agrotechnics typical of other varieties of tomatoes. However, there are some nuances in the cultivation of this variety.
To grow healthy strong seedlings, you should take care of the seeds:
- purchase seeds should be only from trusted companies;
- check expiration date;
- in any case, it is desirable to decontaminate the seeds at least in a saturated pink solution of potassium permanganate (soak for 30-40 minutes);
- wash and soak in water for 24 hours (changing the water every 2-3 hours so that the seeds do not suffocate);
- the seeds can still be soaked in growth stimulants (according to the instructions for each agent).
Then the seeds should be dried on a paper napkin (you can use toilet paper).
Growing seedlings
Seeds for seedlings should be sown after February 20th. You can - until the end of March (depending on the region and soil security).
To germinate seeds and seedlings to grow successfully, you should prepare the soil.
- It is better to purchase a special soil for tomatoes, or for the nightshade, or for any seedlings. If the soil is taken from the garden, it should be disinfected (you can shed a dark solution of potassium permanganate, for example). The soil needs fertile, saturated with oxygen, quite loose.
- In the tank for seedlings, you must first lay at least expanded clay for better drainage, which is then sprinkled with a layer of sand (about 1 cm).
- The soil should not be acidic, you should check the level of acidity - it must be neutral or very close to this parameter.
- Prepared soil should be well moistened, lightly pressed, so that the seeds do not fall to a depth, put 2-3 seeds on a wet surface at a distance of 2-2.5 cm.
- Sprinkle the decomposed seeds with a layer of soil 1-1.5 cm high.
- Capacity with sown seeds can be covered with a film or placed in a plastic transparent bag.
- Before the emergence of seedlings once or twice a day, the package should be opened slightly for a short time in order to air inside and prevent the formation of moss, mold and so on
In the south, prepared tomato seeds Raspberry ringing can be sown immediately into the heated soil in spring, in mid-April, the beds can be covered with a spunbond or film. Sprouts should appear in the first decade of May, which is important for obtaining a bountiful and high-quality crop.
Transplant into the ground
After the emergence of shoots shelter is removed, gently shed the soil between sprouts;
- as soon as two or three true leaves form on them, the shoots can be dived;
- after picking a day after three or four seedlings, it is desirable to feed with nitrogen fertilizer;
- before planting bushes on the garden, plants should be gradually accustomed to the open air, hardened;
- it is possible to land in open ground as soon as the threat of frost has passed;
- plant bushes more favorably in cloudy weather, especially if it lasts for several days (this will prevent sunburn);
- the greenhouse can be planted before, but the soil must be heated;
- between bushes should be at least 50-60 cm;
- leave about 70 cm between rows;
- best of all - by the square-cluster method;
- it is better to immediately install a peg for the support in the well, so as not to disturb the weak root system;
- for better survival and adaptation after transplantation, the bushes are very well sprayed and watered at the root with a solution of zircon (for proportions, see the instructions).
See also: Tomato "American ribbed"
Then the Raspberry Jingle can be grown like any other sort of tomato.
To care for the tomato Raspberry ringing should be regularly.
- Watering should be regularly, not allowing the soil to dry. However, it is necessary to comply with the measure: it is better not to peel than to overwet. Water preferably with warm water, can be separated, rain; under the root. Avoid moisture on the leaves. Watering is better in the evening. If the bushes grow in a protected ground, the greenhouse after watering should be aired.
- The acidity of the soil must be neutral.
- Top-dressings should be carried out periodically with a weak solution of organic matter (chicken dung, herbal infusion, manure) + mineral fertilizers. It is impossible to overfeed plants, especially with nitrogen, which will provoke an increase in leaf mass to the detriment of growth and ripening of fruits.
- Weed and loosen regularly, preventing the emergence of weeds.
- Periodically inspect tomato bushes, carry out preventive spraying with fungicides and insecticides.
- Pysynki delete as they appear. By the way, stepchildren can try to root and get more additional bushes favorite varieties.
- If tomatoes are grown indoors, be sure to monitor the level of humidity, light and regularly ventilate the room.
If you follow these simple rules of agrotechnology for the variety Raspberry jingle, you can eventually collect a great harvest and enjoy delicious sweet tomatoes all summer.
See also: Choosing heat-resistant tomatoes for the south of Russia
This tomato hybrid is worth it to grow it on your site for the joy of yourself and your family and the envy of your neighbors. Among the many hybrids, crimson jingle is most attractive for its qualities and least easy to care for. It is enough to give him a little time and care, and this tomato will thankfully respond with a good harvest.
Video: How to grow good tomatoes in the open field at the cottage