The best varieties of tomatoes for the Krasnodar Territory in the open ground

Summer residents actively buy seeds for the new season, but not everyone knows which variety to give their preference. It is especially difficult for beginners, and here the important condition is to understand the climate in which you live. After all, it is impossible to plant the same tomatoes in different regions. Here the competent approach is important. Today we will acquaint you with varieties of tomatoes for the Krasnodar Territory for both open ground and greenhouses. This fertile land is ideal for growing crops, but still knowledge is needed here.
The best varieties for the Krasnodar Territory
"Asvon F1"
This variety is ideal for summer residents who like compact, small fruits, which are very well suited for salting. The skin on the tomatoes is thick, but not hard, which means that pickles will be stored perfectly. The variety is sweet, the tomatoes have a rounded shape, slightly elongated at the edges. As you already could understand, “Asvon” is a hybrid — it has its advantages and disadvantages in this fact. Great for growing outdoors. Pleases with its stability, yield.
The mass of fruits is about 60-70 grams, sometimes tomatoes can weigh 100 grams.
The advantages of the variety:
- yield up to 9 kg;
- resistance to major diseases of tomatoes;
- compactness;
- unpretentiousness in cultivation;
- a large amount of sugars, vitamins, excellent taste;
- whole canning.
- seeds of hybrids do not convey the quality of the first year's crop in the future;
- the variety is demanding of soil fertility, as it bears fruit for a long time and abundantly;
- for better ripening of the crop, the bushes will have to be thinned from the leaves; for strength, support will be needed.
"Gift of Kuban"
We continue our acquaintance with varieties of tomatoes for the Krasnodar Territory for open ground. This variety is suitable for warm edges. But It is worth noting that the territory of the Krasnodar Territory is very extensive. Here the climate can be divided into two types - mild, with a good abundance of rain, and arid, windy. Tomatoes love exactly the first option. But this variety is not afraid of drought and this is its forte. Bushes of medium height - up to 70 cm. It is also suitable for growing outside, as the previous one, also produces small fruits, but its yield is much lower. The ripening period is medium.
The mass of fruits - about 100-110 grams.
- small height;
- strong skin, juicy and tasty pulp;
- yield up to 5 kg per square meter;
- disease resistant;
- does not crack.
Disadvantages: this tomato has a number of strong qualities, but it has almost no negative ones. Unless mid-season varieties can be attacked by insects. Therefore, it is important to start fighting in time.
"New Kuban"
By the name of this applicant for the new season and the previous one, we can understand that the breeders brought them out as tomatoes for the Krasnodar Territory. This representative is also ideal for open ground. This variety is not for everyone, but for those who love the bushes are very low - from 20 cm to 40 cm, which mature late. Experience has shown that the harvest will be obtained after about five months from the moment the seedlings emerge. But the variety is suitable for commercial cultivation.
The mass of tomatoes is about 100-110 grams.
- compactness, space saving;
- the harvest can be collected mechanized, it does not spoil for a long time in the bushes;
- the shape of the fruit - reminiscent of the heart, very aesthetically pleasing, tasty;
- high yield - 7 kg or more;
- not afraid of cold and diseases;
- very good fruits that are suitable for the production of different products.
Disadvantages: as you could understand, this variety has only advantages and only one drawback - it is a long time to wait for the harvest. But at the same time it can be collected at once, it is suitable for those summer residents who do not have too much time to spend on the beds, but the main thing for them is a good result.
See also: Tomato varieties for polycarbonate greenhouses
"Kubanets F1"
And again a variety with a distinctive name. Tomato "Kubanets F1" differs from all the previous ones in agricultural technology, but it is also suitable for whole-canning. Tomatoes with very good performance, are quite in demand. Grown on open ground, suitable for those areas that are located in arid climate.
The mass of fruits - 100-120 grams. Like all previous varieties "Kubanets" has a red color.
- resistance to heat, drought;
- not sick, not afraid of drops;
- productivity - 5-6 kg and more;
- the skin does not crack;
- tasty and juicy;
- perfectly stored and transported.
- requires the formation of a bush;
- need support and garter;
- hybrid does not produce productive seeds.
Previous Kuban tomatoes were sweet, with many advantages, but small in size. For lovers of large-fruited tomatoes, meaty, the Pudovik variety is perfect. He is called one of the best among the heavyweights. It can grow in a warm southern climate, and in many other regions. It is significantly different from all varieties that were shown above. Bushes "Pudovika" powerful, tall, large fruits that require support. In terms of maturation refers to the medium.

- fruit weight can reach up to a kilogram;
- high-yielding - up to 17 kg from a square meter, on which no more than 2 bushes are located;
- fruits are juicy, fragrant, tasty;
- ideal for salads - fresh and winter, as well as for the production of juice, sauce, ketchup.
- need good support;
- there is no absolute resistance to all diseases;
- requires attention and regular feed;
- more suitable for a humid climate.
"Fat Carlson F1"
One more grade which will please with large fruits - to 250-300 grams. This tomato is a hybrid, which gives it a number of advantages over other varieties. These tomatoes are grown for a long time, and gardeners praise and love "Thick Carlson." Shrubs sredneroslye - up to 85 cm, ripening time closer to late, as the first crop can be harvested after about 130 days. But the quality of the fruit is high.
- large fruits;
- high yield - 12 kg or more per square meter;
- bushes do not require pinching;
- not sick;
- has a universal table purpose.
- bushes very sprawling, that is, they need a place;
- long need to wait for the harvest;
- hybrid varieties are not intended to collect seeds;
- good care is needed - supports, fertilizers, regular watering.
As you understand, there are varieties that need constant care, you also need to harvest in time.There are more unpretentious, which will require from you an infrequent visit to the country. Choosing for yourself the best option, you can avoid disappointment. Large and tall tomatoes always require more time and attention to themselves.
"Fatty F1"
This variety of tomatoes for the Krasnodar Territory is suitable for both greenhouses and open ground. The first option is preferable, since the yield is much higher. The hybrid has large fruits, bushes of limited growth. In terms of ripening it belongs to the mid. The first crop of tomatoes after the seedlings shoot out you will collect in about 3.5 months. Bushes have an average height - up to 80 cm. Tomatoes are similar to scarlet balls, of which up to 6 pieces are formed in a cyst.
- fruit weight - 300 grams or more;
- resistance to common diseases;
- excellent aroma and taste;
- universal table purpose - suitable for fresh food and for preservation;
- street yield is average, in a greenhouse up to 8 kg per square meter.
- does not give productive seeds;
- insects can bother;
- supports under bushes and brushes are required;
- you need a formation, regular feeding and watering.
"Openwork F1"
Another hybrid that can be called universal in terms of cultivation is growing in open and closed ground. This early tomato will please at the beginning of summer with tasty tomatoes, which are neither small nor large by weight. The hybrid has resistance to a number of diseases, it is stored for a very long time without loss of quality at a cool temperature. Often, this tomato is grown for sale and on an industrial scale. "Openwork" has a crimson hue of the skins, the height of the bush - 80 cm.
- early varieties are not bothered by insects;
- fruits weighing 200-350 grams;
- salad designation - dishes are tasty, with a bright tomato flavor;
- long shelf life and transportation;
- average yield - up to 6 kg per square meter.
- need a garter;
- There is no absolute resistance to all diseases.
As you can see, the best varieties of tomatoes for the Krasnodar Territory have different characteristics and indicators, but most of them are fruitful and almost never get sick. These qualities are always appreciated the most.
See also: Varieties of tomatoes of Siberian selection (with photos and descriptions)
Again a grade both for the greenhouse, and for an open ground. It has an average ripening period of 108-115 days, compact bushes, good yield. This grade is undemanding to care, it can be collected mechanically. It is also worth noting that the bushes do not require pasynkovaniya and formation, which saves time. The fruits are in the form of plums, red skin and a small mass, that is, they are good for whole-canning.
- yield - 6 kg or more, while the fruits are small;
- disease resistance;
- minimal care;
- great taste and aroma;
- the possibility of growing for sale;
- you can rarely harvest.
There are no shortcomings in this variety, because it saves both effort, time, and space, and at the same time has an excellent return. Fruits in the banks do not burst, fresh stored for a long time. And let's move on to the last applicant for your beds in a selection of tomato varieties for the Krasnodar Territory for open ground and for the greenhouse.
"F1 Merchant"
A very worthy hybrid in all respects, but we represent the best for you. For the south with a hot climate is ideal, since the heat does not care for him. Otherwise, the tomato also pleases - it does not get sick, gives a good harvest and has a good taste. By the way, there is a perception that hybrid cultures are more enduring, but they are bland.This is a mistake, breeders have long ago learned how to create perfect by all indicators tomatoes without losing taste.
- fruits weighing up to 300 grams;
- not sick;
- early ripening;
- undemanding to care;
- has a universal table purpose;
- grown both in greenhouses and outdoors;
- well stored and transported.
Disadvantages: this hybrid does not have them, as experience of many summer residents has shown. But, of course, everyone chooses what suits him best. Someone loves some tomatoes, someone else.
See also: The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground
That ended our selection - TOP 10 best varieties and hybrids. These tomatoes are suitable for the south, can be grown in other regions, if you comply with certain conditions.
Video: Tomato varieties for open ground