Tomato "Catherine the Great f 1" - a variety that does not have flaws

general information
Originators of our time brought a huge number of different hybrids from tomatoes, but judging by the photos and reviews of the tomato Catherine the Great F1 is a truly noble and imperial variety.
Having studied the package with seeds of this variety, we understand that the inscription f 1 means that this tomato is a first generation hybrid culture. It is this variety that has a large number of advantages, which overlaps minor shortcomings, thanks to this hybrid, which was artificially bred, by crossing two types of tomatoes, the plant acquires a strong and stable root system, less exposed to diseases.
Tomatoes varieties Catherine the Great quite stress-resistant in the environment, when the temperature drops comfortably feels in the greenhouse, it is not difficult enough to set fruit, what pleases breeders and gardeners. The main task of gardeners to get an excellent harvest and preferably in a short time, this is especially important when selling vegetables, specifically tomatoes. Characteristics and description of the variety, as well as photos will be presented in this article, for the best proof that Catherine the Great is a tomato hybrid, a unique and worthy tomato, and thanks to the feedback from gardeners - amateurs, this will be a direct confirmation.
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Characteristics and description of the variety Catherine the Great

- Mid-season variety of tomatoes (the duration of ripening from transplanting to harvest is 100 - 110 days);
- This variety is quite versatile in use (well suited for the preparation of salads, sauces and canning);
- Plant should be staggered or with an interval of 60 centimeters between the bushes;
- High yield (from one square meter harvest is nine kilograms);
- Fruit weight reaches from 250 to 350 grams;
- Pleasant taste;
- Tomato contains a huge amount of nutrients, thanks to which the work of the intestine improves and digestion is activated;
- A hybrid that reaches a height of 2.5 meters, it is an indeterminate tomato, that is, a tall plant;
- Well amenable to transportation over long distances;
- Tomatoes of a bright red color, rounded shape, have rather dense skin;
- Do not crack and stored for a long time. This variety can ripen at home, provided that the tomatoes are picked during the final harvest, when the tomato is still slightly brown, the shelf life can last up to two months;
- On the brush are formed up to six tomatoes;
- Fleshy juicy pulp and the same size of tomatoes, regardless of the location of the fruit on the hand.
Advantages and disadvantages
This variety of tomatoes has a huge number of advantages and very few disadvantages, because judging by the name of the tomato Catherine the Great, we can conclude that this is a majestic, worthy, imperial hybrid. Consider a number of noble qualities of tomato:

- huge yield;
- impeccable resistance to various diseases and viruses;
- excellent physical condition and density of fruits;
- excellent tomato flavor;
- simplicity and ease of care;
- impressive sizes of fruits;
- For a long time, tomatoes are aesthetically pleasing, do not undergo cracking, do not crumple, this type of tomato is very well suited for transportation over long distances.
The disadvantages are quite insignificant, but they are still present:
- Firstly, due to the fact that this variety of tomatoes is a hybrid, it cannot supply the gardener with its seeds (but still, if you decide to try to get seeds, the variety will not be so unique, the seeds will sprout and produce a harvest, but fruits will not match good quality and high yield);
- secondly, it is very important to trim the stepchildren and form the bushes, if it is not done on the shrub during time, there will be a very large number of shoots and as a result all the forces and nutrients will be spent on the growth of unnecessary greens, and the fruits will not mature well . This manipulation should be carried out in clear weather and tear off the stepchildren, it is necessary that have not reached large sizes.
- Thirdly, this variety must be grown in heated greenhouses.
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Features of growing varieties
Hybrid Catherine the Great entered in the state register for growing tomatoes in the greenhouse. Judging by the reviews and photos, this variety has enough privileges to gardeners and breeders. Peculiarities of cultivation are pretty simple and do not differ much from other types of tomatoes, but there are some nuances that should be carried out implicitly:
First, it is necessary to follow the rules of watering, because with an excess of moisture, tomatoes will be sour and watery, and the fruits will crack, after rain and watering you need to loosen the soil, ventilate the greenhouse and break through the weeds;
Secondly, it is necessary to feed fertilizers: organic and mineral. You can fertilize every three weeks, preferably in the evening or early morning;
Third, plant seedlings properly;
Fourthly, to prepare in advance in the greenhouse supports for the garter, that is, a movable trellis, thanks to the trellis, tomato bushes will be well ventilated, it will be much easier to harvest, and also to allow walking between the rows freely without catching the plants.
Sowing and growing seedlings
There is no special manipulation during sowing and cultivation of Catherine the Great's tomato seedlings, but knowledge must be mastered, since it is the stage of planting the seedlings that is a guarantee of a good harvest. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the soil for sowing, sowing seeds, preferably at the end of February, in individual peat tanks. Seeds purchased in a specialty store, already treated with manganese solution, this procedure is carried out in order to decontaminate the seeds, can also be supported in a growth stimulator so that the bastre will sprout.
The main components in the cultivation of seedlings are phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen fertilizers, thanks to the vitamins in the soil, the root system and sprouts are formed quite well, the soil is fed with all the beneficial properties. Before planting seedlings, it is imperative to harden it, it is necessary to begin two weeks before planting, as a rule, this is done when there are 5 to 6 leaves on a bush.
Hardening can be both on the street and directly in the greenhouse.Soil for planting seedlings must be prepared in advance, it is good to plow through, fertilize, form along the bed depending on the variety. Immediately before planting, it is necessary to process the soil with potassium permanganate, this solution is very simple, in preparation, you should take 2 grams of potassium permanganate and dilute in twenty liters of warm water, for each well you will need 1 liter of solution.
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Before planting seedlings in a permanent place in the greenhouse, it is necessary to cut several leaves from the bush, this will help avoid the occurrence and development of infections. To prevent these bushes from growing, at a rapid pace and tomatoes are better rooted, it is necessary after planting the seedlings are completed, do not water for two weeks.
Greenhouse care
This sort of tomato is an indeterminate tomato, that is, a tall plant, they reach a height of up to two meters, respectively, so that the noble variety feels comfortable, you need to equip a greenhouse with sufficient height and area, you should also arrange the greenhouse was filled with sunshine.
Be sure to rationally distribute the plants during planting, calculating the area of two bushes per square meter. Due to good fertilizing with fertilizers, fertility will accelerate, and when fruits appear, it is necessary to fertilize with potash fertilizers.
When you pinch off excessive inflorescences, you only get large fruits.
You should also pay for the general condition of the soil, so that it does not dry out, and when watering the bushes do not get water, so you can avoid the appearance of fungal diseases on the bush. In order for the imperial hybrid to ferment well, you need to take care of these plants, because observing all the rules of caring for tomatoes in the greenhouse, you will achieve a sufficiently high yield and success in growing the imperial tomato.
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