The best varieties of tomato for open ground in the Urals

Modern selection of new products can offer the best varieties of tomato for the Urals, the most productive, stunted, without staining and disease resistant.
Early, salad destination
"Sir F1"
Tomato introduced to the market Agrofirm Poisk LLC Moscow region. In 2010, the hybrid was entered into the registry and quickly gained popularity among vegetable growers.
The fruits of this hybrid are round, dense and smooth, bright red color. Each has 4-6 nests and weight in the range of 150-180 g.
Tastes are fully consistent with lettuce tomatoes.
The yield of marketable fruit reaches 17 kg cm2.
The hybrid does not require additional treatments. Very resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, stolbur and Alternaria.
- early ripeness;
- large fruits;
- great taste;
- disease resistance;
- high yield.
"Elizabeth F1"
The tomato market was launched in 2011. Originator OOO Agrofirm Sedek Moscow region Russia.
The tomato is intended for cultivation, both in closed ground, and in the cities of personal subsidiary farms.
The tomato has a beautiful, large (220-270 g) fruit of a flat-rounded shape with a slight ribbing. By density, it is medium and red.
Tastes of tomato salad are good. Productivity within 10 kg from 4 bushes.
High resistance to tobacco mosaic virus, verticilous wilt and tolerance to brown leaf spot put a hybrid in the front rows of sought-after tomatoes.
- large fruits;
- resistance to a complex of diseases;
- good product yield
"Doll Masha F1"
The hybrid presented to gardeners LLC Agrofirma Sedek Moscow region, in 2010, and it entered the popular varieties of tomatoes for the Urals.
"Doll Masha" relished those who grow tomatoes in the open field. The tomato showed itself well in film and glass, but unheated greenhouses.
The tomato has a flat-round shape, weak ribbing and rich pink color of ripe tomatoes. Each fruit has 4-6 nests filled with thick pulp. Tomato weight 220-260 g.
The tasting is excellent.
Productivity at the level of 8-10 kg / m2.
- excellent, impeccable taste;
- beautiful presentation;
- rose fruit
Orange Fight F1
Agrofirm LLC "Semkr-Junior" in Moscow in 2010 brought out a hybrid that can be successfully grown both in greenhouses and open ground.
The name of the tomato is already talking about the color of the fruit. Rounded shape, smooth, rich bright orange color, it has a very presentable presentation.
Nests 4-5.
The average weight of a tomato is 180-220 g. The taste of the tomato is pleasant and harmonious.
The hybrid has a high yield (up to 17 kg / m2), good keeping quality and transportability.
Resistance to fusarium and verticillosis is high.
- high yield;
- large fruits;
- good taste;
- pitfall;
- transportability.
"Anniversary F1"
Considering tomatoes for open ground in the Urals, stunted and resistant, this hybrid is deservedly one of them.
Semko-Junior LLC, Moscow, in 2011, presented a tomato to vegetable growers for cultivation in the open ground and under shelters.
Flat-rounded tomatoes have weak ribbing and rich red color. The mass of one tomato can reach 220 g, while the plant holds its fruit well and does not require a garter.
Tasteful "Jubilee" good and excellent. Productivity of marketable tomatoes within 12 kg / m2.
- large fruits;
- disease resistance;
- excellent taste;
- good yield.
See also: Mandarin Tomato: for those who love beautiful shapes
The variety was introduced to the LLC “Scientific Research Institute of Protected Crops for Protected Soil”, Moscow, and OOO Gavrish Sem, Moscow. In 2011, the variety was entered in the register of selection achievements of the Russian Federation.
Planting seedlings "Toast" in the greenhouses you get the early, lettuce tomatoes. You can plant in the open field, but in this case, the crop will be ready to the table a little later.
The vegetative form of the plant is not high with medium foliage. The sheet plate is very light, which must be taken into account when feeding (this is a feature of the variety, not nitrogen deficiency).
Tomato fruit is flat-round, ribbed medium. The density of the fruit is also average. In full biological maturity the fruit is bright, saturated red color.
When cut, you can see 6 nests that are filled with pulp. Tomato weight from 220 to 250 g
- early maturation;
- large fruit;
- good taste
Pink Glamor
Considering the varieties of tomatoes for the Urals, it is impossible to ignore those that are especially loved by vegetable growers and consumers - rose fruit.
The authorship belongs to the LLC “Scientific Research Institute of Protected Vegetable Husbandry”, Moscow, and LLC “Gavrish Selection Company”, Moscow.
Tomato bushes can be cultivated in film greenhouses, as well as in garden plots of farms of vegetable growers.
Tomato "Pink glamor" is intended for fresh consumption, vegetable cutting, cooking salads.
Having a bright pink color, he seamlessly be able to decorate any holiday table. The shape is flat-round. Some fruits may have some ribbing.
A tomato has 6, sometimes more nests and average density.
The weight of one tomato in the range of 150-200 g
The yield of marketable products within 7 kg / m2.
- excellent presentation;
- good taste;
- beautiful commodity output.
In 2011, the variety is entered in the register due to the diligence of breeders of the Institute of Vegetable Growing of Protected Soil LLC, Moscow and LLC Gavrish Breeding Company, Moscow.
This tomato will appeal to lovers of dense, hard tomatoes that keep their shape under any circumstances. Being lettuce on purpose, tomatoes are perfectly cut into slices and canned without destroying the integrity. Excellent products after processing (mashed potatoes, juices, sauces) makes this variety even more popular. Tomato red, rich color, which does not lose its brightness during heat treatment.
Fruits have from 4 to 6 chambers filled with sugary pulp. The average weight of a tomato is 200-250 g.
Productivity of a grade within 7 kg with m2.
- excellent, balanced taste;
- good product quality;
- possibility of processing into tomato products.
For whole canning
Early lettuce tomatoes are good, but after enjoying the taste, there comes a time for harvesting and for this you should select those varieties that behave well during processing.
"Eliseevsky F1"
This tomato is the first in the ranking of the best tomatoes for canning and marinating.
Authorship belongs to the Leningrad Research Institute of Agriculture "Belogorka" Leningrad Region. Thanks to the breeders of this institution in 2011, the hybrid was entered into the register of the Russian Federation.
"Eliseevsky" can be used for salads, and processing for any tomato products.
Early, undersized, not requiring special attention, he is rapidly conquering the market.
It is possible to grow up a hybrid as under film shelters, and in a kitchen garden.
The leaf plate of the hybrid is saturated green, not large.
The fruit is smooth, round, red and medium in density.
The classic weight of 60-65 g allows the fruit to easily crawl into the neck of the can.
Having excellent taste and the ability not to crack when heat treated tomatoes "Eliseevskie" become the most desirable for housewives and chefs.
The hybrid has shown tremendous resistance to such diseases as brown leaf spot, tobacco mosaic virus, powdery mildew, bacterial wilt, and root gliding.
- excellent processing properties;
- resistance to a complex of diseases;
- good taste;
- excellent product outlet.
Choosing tomatoes for the Urals without stading, you need to consider the variety donated to vegetable growers by the plant breeder Kudryavtseva E. R. Thanks to her efforts in 2011, the variety was entered in the register of the Russian Federation.
The grade is intended for cultivation in a kitchen garden and vegetable beds of an open ground of personal subsidiary farms.
Being early ripening, it will successfully serve both for salads and culinary preparations.
The plant is short, and the standard will not require garters and supports, as well as cracking and forming.
Fruit production of the variety has a flat-round shape. Tomatoes are smooth, medium in density, rich scarlet color.
Commodity yield of a variety in the range of 7-8 kg per square meter of vegetable garden area.
- universality;
- early ripening;
- shtambovy form;
- great taste;
- perfection in processing.
See also: The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground
"Olya F1"
Tomato hybrid selection of the last century. Entered in the register of the Russian Federation in 1997. Bred breeders FSBI "Institute of Vegetable" Moscow region. and LLC selection and seed agrofirma "Ilinichna" Moscow region.
The tomato is intended for gardeners, summer residents, and also small farms
The fruits begin to ripen on day 90-95. The plant has a weak foliage and weak branching, and is also super determinant.
The leaf plate is double-crossed, short, light green.
The structure of the inflorescence is intermediate and it is simple, but has its own characteristics of the tab on the vegetative form. The first is formed above the leaf, and then through the leaf, or even without separation by the leaf. In the internodes three brushes are formed at the same time and each carries 7 fruits.
Tomatoes are round with weak ribbing and 3-4 nests, red. The weight of an average tomato is about 150 g, but 200 g is not uncommon.
Tomatoes have a very good, balanced taste.
The yield in the garden is 10-15 kg per square meter. square meters, and when grown in the winter turnover of up to 27 kg per square meter.
Grade advantages:
- high productivity indicators;
- cold resistance;
- resistance to low light conditions;
- high resistance against a complex of diseases, including the gall nematode.
"Lelia F1"
In 1997, thanks to the breeders of the FGBNU "Institute of Vegetable Growing" Moscow region. and LLC selection and seed agrofirma "Ilinichna" Moscow region. The tomato was entered in the register of the Russian Federation.
Medium early ripening hybrid is designed for growing in private gardens of private farms and on the fields of small farmers.
The maturation of marketable products occurs on the 100-110 day.
Herbal form with weak foliage and weak branching.The inflorescence is compact, simple. Brush carries from 9 to 11 tomatoes weighing from 100 to 150 g.
Fruits are flat-rounded, red, at the base have a weak recess.
Tastes are excellent tomatoes.
The yield of the hybrid in the range of 15-18 kg per square meter. vegetable garden.
- resistance to complex diseases;
- high commodity productivity;
- limited ability to form shoots;
- cold resistance
Red Fang
Tomato varieties of tomatoes for the Urals in the open field cannot be considered without mentioning this selective creation.
Entered in the register of the Russian Federation grade in 2011, thanks to Kudryavtseva E. R. It is intended for cultivation in an open garden, as well as in greenhouses and greenhouses.
Tomato can be used both in salads, and for whole-canning.
An early determinant stem plant bears fruits with an average weight of about 40 g with two nests. Tomatoes are red, egg-shaped, smooth, dense with excellent taste.
Commodity yield in the range of 7-8 kg / sq. m
- good taste;
- interesting form;
- universality of use.
The variety was presented to vegetable growers by plant breeders at the Federal Research Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk Russia, and in 2010 the variety was entered in the register of the Russian Federation.
Direction varieties of lettuce and pickling.
Rounded fruit is red. The base of the tomato with a weak groove, the top of the fruit is flat. The average fruit weight is about 100 g.
The taste of fresh tomatoes is good, pickling is excellent. Tomato taken out of a jar or barrel is dense, fleshy, without voids with excellent integrity and consistency.
- good yield;
- excellent qualities of processed products;
- good taste;
- resistance to complex diseases of tomatoes.
See also: Features varieties of tomato "Tretyakov f1" and proper care of him
"Orange Elephant"
The originators of the variety are LLC “Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable Growing of Protected Soil, Moscow, and LLC“ Selection Company Gavrish ”, Moscow
The tomato can be grown up by vegetable growers both in not heated greenhouses, and in an open ground.
Rounded, smooth, medium in density and bright orange color, the fruit has excellent taste. At a section 3-4 nests filled with sugary pulp are visible.
The average weight of 140-150 g, the yield of commodity output is within a kilogram per meter.
- large fruits;
- great taste;
- excellent presentation.
"Russian taste F1"
The authorship of the hybrid belongs to the breeders of the Scientific-Research Institute of Greenhouse Vegetable Growing, Moscow and the Gavrish Breeding Company, LLC, Moscow.
Hybrid is preferred by those who appreciate such quality as lightness and transportability.
Tomato can grow in greenhouses and gardens.
Fruits are flat-round, dense, red, with light ribbing.
The average weight is 280 g. Tastes are good.
Productivity within 9-11 kg / m2.
- pitfall;
- transportability;
- disease resistance
Choosing tomato varieties for the Urals, it should be remembered that they can show their genetic potential only if agricultural practices are observed.
Video: The best varieties of tomatoes for the Urals