Mandarin Tomato: for those who love beautiful shapes

Tomato "Mandarin" characteristic and description of the variety, reviews, photos, yield all correspond to the data on the bag with seeds, but you should stop in more detail.
general information
Applicant of the variety, on entering it into the register of selection achievements of the Scientific-Research Institute of Vegetable Growing of the Protected Soil LLC, Moscow Russia, and LLC Agrofirma Gavrish, Moscow Russia. Applicants are recognized and originator varieties.
The variety was filed for registration in 2003 and successfully passed the test. And in 2004, it was already entered into the registry under number 9609976.
The variety is recommended for cultivation in the North, North-West, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Chernozem, North Caucasus and Middle Volga regions.
"Mandarin" is recommended for cultivation in garden plots, homestead beds, as well as for small farms for cultivation on film temporary shelters.
Characteristics and description
According to the group of authors, the fruits begin to ripen on 106-110 days and the reviews of gardeners who have already grown the variety confirm these terms. When packing seeds on a package, a period of 90-100 days is indicated, perhaps this is real with intensive technology, but considering that the first brush is already laid above the 9th sheet, it’s problematic to meet this deadline.
The vegetative form of the plant is indeterminant. A tall tomato must completely fill the space under the film cover, but this does not happen with the Mandarin because its growth stops at 120-150 cm.
For a tomato fruit, this is why vegetable growers grow it. When buying seeds and seeing a picture, we look forward to the same results with inspiration, but this is not always the case.
The color of the fruit declared by originators is orange. However, those who have already grown it, speak of a weak color saturation, closer to rich yellow than orange. It should be noted that the color of the tomato is uniform throughout the fruit, there is no green or pale spot in the stem. The attachment point of the green "tail" is very small.
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The shape of the fruit is round, with a smooth skin. When eating the skin is noticeably dense, most likely it is it that keeps the fruit from cracking, both on the bushes and during transport and storage, as well as during processing.
They do not look like bunch tomatoes on clusters, although they “cling” 5-6. But the manufacturer of the company "Gavrish" describing the variety on a bag of seeds, ensures excellent pollination and the setting of a dozen fruits in the brush. In fact, this does not happen.
The claimed size of 100-110 g is consistent. The fruits are almost identical, leveled.
On the density of tomatoes elastic. In the section you can see 3-4 cameras filled with tissue fluid with a sufficiently large number of seeds. When pressed, the fluid flows out and voids remain.
Commercial quality
The yield of products can be assessed as good for the fact that the fruits have a uniform appearance, all of the same shape and almost the same weight.
Tomatoes variety "Mandarinka" look very nice in a tin can. During heat treatment, they do not crack.
Tomato harvesting can be done either singly or with a brush. The tomato is not showered from the stem, and its implementation often occurs with a “tail”. Getting into the jar with a stem, the tomato looks interesting on a serving plate.
As a disadvantage of such products, it can be said of a dense shell that does not bite easily, and the integrity of the pulp under it is not very dense pulp, rather watery, which removes this tomato from primacy in the list of ideal preservation products.
If you try to independently "legitimize" its direction, then approximately the following will turn out:

- as for salad - tomato is small;
- for cocktail - too big;
- for processing into tomato products - not suitable (the color is not the same);
- for preservation - it seems perfect, but the texture fails.
Looking at all these qualities, the reviews of those vegetable growers who have already managed to grow boil down to the fact that the variety is not bad, but we will not grow it again. Having tried once, people no longer want to occupy expensive high-nutritional greenhouse meters for such a tomato.
See also: Description of tomato variety "Bear's paw" and its advantages
According to the register of varieties, the yield is within 8.6-9 kg / m2. The originator claims on the bags no more than 6 kg, which, according to the planters, is true.
Disease and Pest Resistance
The originator of a grade guarantees on bags with seeds resistance to a kladosporioz and a fusarium.
Vegetable growers, describing the results of the cultivation of "Mandarin" say about the good resistance of the variety to disease, compared with other varieties that were grown in the same greenhouse.
Advantages and disadvantages
There are no perfect varieties yet, but each vegetable grower decides for himself which of the varieties and hybrids deserve to occupy a place in his greenhouse and city. Considering the variety "Mandarin" can distinguish such properties of tomato:

- early ripeness;
- disease resistance;
- good taste;
- beautiful shape and general appearance, both fresh and canned;
- Extract the integrity of the fetus.
- do not occupy the greenhouse vertically, which implies the second drawback;
- low yield;
- pale, not corresponding to the name of the color.
See also: Planting tomatoes in the greenhouse requires a competent approach
Features of growing varieties
Since the variety is intended for film greenhouses, the sowing time should be chosen in early March.
The seedling period will last until the end of April and tomatoes can be safely planted for shelter.
The attention of vegetable growers should be directed to the formation of the plant.
Since the yield is not high, the plant itself does not grow as high, the formation should be carried out in 4-5 shoots.
Video: Caring for tomatoes. First important steps