When in the Moscow region and other regions of the country to collect tomatoes in the open ground?

The ripening of all your favorite tomatoes in different regions takes place with a slight difference. It depends on the type, daylight and climatic conditions. Most gardeners in Russia, Belarus and Tatarstan begin harvesting in the open ground in early August. To remove tomatoes from the bushes of good quality, it is important not to miss the time of harvesting.
- Features and time of harvesting tomatoes in Siberia
- Features and time of picking tomatoes in the Moscow region
- Features and time of collecting tomatoes in the Urals
- Features and time of collecting tomatoes in Tatarstan
- Features and collection time in the middle lane
- Features and collection time in Chelyabinsk
Features and time of harvesting tomatoes in Siberia

In the Siberian open ground, varieties and hybridsdesigned specifically for this region, since the harvest from such varieties is reliable and decent.
Of course, not every hybrid is suitable for cultivation in this harsh climate, but modern originators have developed new varieties that are successfully grown by Siberian gardeners. It should be remembered that even the most ultra-early hybrid must be collected until the moment when the average daily temperature parameters fall to +13 degrees. Otherwise, the fruit will rot, and they will not be suitable for eating.
Tomatoes in the regions of Siberia begin to harvest in early August. Often, tomatoes of medium and medium late varieties in the conditions of the Siberian climate do not have time to ripen before the beginning of a sharp decrease in night temperatures, so they need to be removed brown, folding in the premises for aging. In this case, the fruits of reddening will have a sour-bitter taste.
If you wish to prolong the ripening of tomatoes in the conditions of the Siberian climate, near the plants they drive poles on which they stretch agrofibre or polyethylene. In this case, the harvest of fruits can be extended to the first of September.
Features and time of picking tomatoes in the Moscow region

In this region, the present heat comes late, and autumn frosts occur very early. The short summer period makes the gardener pick up early ripening hybrids and varieties for cultivation, as well as create conditions for the early ripening of tomatoes.
Planted tomato seedlings in the Moscow region for a good ripening of fruits should be provided with a good layer of mulch and three times feeding with complex fertilizers. In this case, the soil will warm up well, ensuring the effective development of beneficial microorganisms, and the plant root system is protected from overheating and overcooling.
Early varieties and hybrids of vegetables begin to gather in the Moscow region at the end of July. To begin harvesting tomatoes in this region should be at the stage of the fruits of dairy ripeness. It should be noted that if the weather is rainy, the fruit should be collected without waiting for full maturation. After all, with high humidity, tomatoes are attacked by pathogens. Tomatoes picked brown ripen well in a dry room.
If you wish to harvest tomatoes in the Moscow region until the end of autumn, plants should be protected from cold rains and dew. To this end, in the middle of August, polyethylene is stretched over the plantations, which should be covered with agrofiber in case of night frosts.
Features and time of collecting tomatoes in the Urals
When growing tomatoes in this region, one should give preference to hybrids and varieties resistant to adverse weather conditions, a short light day and an increased resistance to diseases. In this region one should not wait for the full ripening of the fruit. Tomatoes should be removed in the stage of browning in mid-August and maturing in the room. Such fruits ripen well in room conditions for 10-18 days.
A signal to the fact that all tomatoes should be fully harvested from the bushes is the destruction of plants by late blight, which in the Ural regions causes irreparable damage to the crop, leading to the death of the entire crop.
Features and time of collecting tomatoes in Tatarstan

Ultra early ripening varieties and hybrids in this region mature in early July. In this case, the complete death of the bushes occurs at the end of August. Therefore, until the middle of the last month of summer should be removed reddened fruit that can be dozarivat indoors.
Tatarstan region occupies a large territory, so different regions are distinguished by climatic features and short-term lowering of temperature at night. The growth of tomato bushes in this case slows down, but the crop is preserved.
The high temperature of the air in the region exposes the fruits to earlier maturation and sunburn. In this case, the plantings can be protected with a non-woven mesh to darken. Gardeners who grow tomatoes in Tatarstan claim that without this material, a good harvest of tomatoes can not be expected. With this method of sun protection and the observance of all agrotechnical methods, the mass harvest of tomatoes in this region begins from July 5-10. To obtain a good harvest should be selected for planting varieties and hybrids, appropriate cultivation in the region.
Features and collection time in the middle lane

Competent care of plants in the open field in this region contributes to obtaining a decent crop. Given the average climatic conditions of cultivation, you should know that the seedlings of tomatoes should be planted in the first decade of June, when the probability of lowering night temperatures below zero degrees is bypassed.
After planting the seedlings to a permanent place, a gardener will need a maximum of care and maintenance of the plantations. To get a decent harvest in central Russia, timely organization is needed: irrigation, loosening, fertilizing, preventive treatments from pathogen fungi and insect pests.
The harvest of fruits in central Russia falls on the first days of August, and preventive treatments with biofungicides with alternating spraying of medicinal herbs infusions will help prolong the harvest.
Laid out on the ripening fruits of tomatoes in the sunlight, will receive a brighter color than those that will survive in the dark.
Features and collection time in Chelyabinsk

The fruits of tomatoes should be collected in early August, without waiting for their biological maturity. Timely breaking off of brown and diseased tomatoes will provide an opportunity to ripen the next wave of tomatoes.
To do this, tomatoes should be decomposed in a room with good lighting and ventilation, as well as air temperature of +18 - +26 degrees.
Middle-late varieties and hybrids that do not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather in the Chelyabinsk region should be cut off in green. However, when ripening, such fruits will not have a sugar taste.
Tomatoes belong to those vegetables that require a systematic breakage of ripe fruits. In any region, without removing the ripened fruit, you can prevent them from being affected by pathogenic diseases. Therefore, wherever tomatoes are grown, the most important thing is to harvest in time.