Tomato "Family F1": an incredible yield is guaranteed

The hybrid brought to the market the enterprise NPF Agrosemtms LLC Kirov.
After passing the test in 2007, "Family" was entered into the register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation under the number 9610095.
The tomato is recommended to all vegetable growers and gardeners of the country in the North, North-West, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, North Caucasus, Mid-Volga regions for growing in household shelters of private farms as an early term for ripening and using in salads. Vegetable growers tried this variety in vegetable gardens and were very pleased.
Characteristic and description
The vegetable form of tomato is determinant. The height of the "Family" rarely exceeds 100 cm. The bush is powerful, spreading with thick shoots and of medium size with a leaf plate. Such a shrub can easily and simply bear a good productive load, however, subject to the high nutritional value of the soil.
The fruits of hybrid tomato rounded. Ripening, they frighten vegetable growers with their huge green spot near the stem, but having reached biological maturity, the stain slowly dissolves and the tomato is gaining a beautiful, even, scarlet color.
Fruiting hybrid stretched in time and this property can not be included in the list of shortcomings, because the tomato throughout the season gives the grower large and tasty fruits.
Tomato peel is tender and at the same time dense enough to protect its contents well from cracking. When cooking for salad cooking, the peel exfoliates evenly, leaving velvety flesh beneath.
Tomato is extremely responsive to top dressing. Those vegetable growers who have already grown a hybrid say that it is quite possible to grow fruits weighing up to 350 g. However, this cultivation has a number of features.
Vegetable growers process surplus products into tomato products, which are of very high quality due to the high content of dry substances and sugars.
See also: Variety tomato "Monastic meal": the possibility of using for diet food
Disease resistance
Breeders are working intensively in the direction of breeding such varieties and hybrids that could resist the causative agents of bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Tomatoes family F1 have absorbed all the best qualities in terms of resistance to diseases and have excellent resistance to fusarium, gall nematode, tobacco mosaic virus, cladosporia.
By planting a hybrid in greenhouse shelters, you can be sure that the plant will not suffer even during an emergency attack of pathogenic pathogens. Those who grow a hybrid in the open field, also say about the sufficient stability of the tomato.
High stability of the hybrid and to external environmental factors.Whatever the weather conditions, tomatoes are perfectly fruitful. The hybrid perfectly transfers the lowered temperatures and very high, and also sharp temperature and humidity differences.
Advantages and disadvantages
Breeding achievements of the XXI century have more and more advantages Old and even very favorite varieties, unfortunately, fade into the background. They are already failing even half the yields of new and promising ones, and the “Family F1” is no exception.
Among the advantages of the hybrid are the following indicators:

- Early fruiting. The hybrid lays the first bunch after 5-6 leaves and it speeds up the eating of the first fruit for 2-3 weeks;
- Large fruit;
- Excellent taste of fresh products and the possibility of processing into tomato delights;
- Resistance to external factors, allowing planting a hybrid in all regions of the country, both indoors and outdoors;
- Resistance to contagious diseases of tomatoes;
- High yield, able to give a commodity shaft in the range of 17-19 kg per square meter of greenhouse areas;
- High yield. All products of the hybrid are uniform, uniform and high presentation;
- High shipping properties;
- Long storage period after collection.
As a disadvantage, we can say that the tomato is large-fruited and is imposed on several pieces on one inflorescence. This property entails the need to regularly and thoroughly tie up the fruit inflorescences from the beginning of their growth until the moment of harvesting.
Growing nuances
Tomato "Family F1" is very high-yielding. In order for a hybrid to fully reveal its genetic potential, it is necessary to grow powerful, stocky seedlings.
Since the "Family F1" hybrid, then I will not learn to use my seeds from gardeners. By purchasing professional seeds, there is no longer any need to process them with growth promoters. Soaking the seeds also makes no sense, because you can wash away the growth regulators that are used to treat the seed with the manufacturer. Therefore, the best sowing method is sowing dry seeds into nutrient soil.
Selection of soil mixture
The best for seedlings is to use a universal soil mixture, created by professional agrochemists, which is offered in the network of stores of agrarian orientation. These soils are selected specifically for seedling products, they are;
- lungs;
- nutritious;
- decontaminated;
- permeable to water;
- enriched with minerals;
- balanced in acidity (pH).
Since the tomato is very fruitful, you can not do without additional dressings. To avoid unnecessary trouble, you can combine it with mineral nutrients when preparing the soil. To do this, add two tablespoons of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate to the bucket mixture and mix thoroughly.
See also: Green Tomatoes: Description and Characteristics of Emerald Varieties
Seeding technology
In order for the shoots to be friendly it is necessary to adhere to the following methodology:

- Fill the tub with a pre-prepared soil mixture;
- On the surface of the soil to spread the seeds of tomatoes at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other;
- Cover the seeds with earth at 1.5-2 cm;
- Pour water through a sieve, the temperature of which is 2-3 degrees higher than room temperature;
- Wrap crops with film or cover with glass;
- Put the crops in a place where the temperature will be kept around the clock 24-26 C.
Shoots will appear in 6-8 days.
Care for seedling culture
To grow quality seedlings are needed:
- observance of temperature;
- timely watering;
- regular airing.
- top dressing, in case of crops in unprepared soils.
As soon as the seedlings reach the phase of two true sheets, it must be smashed into their individual containers. Further departure will be from the same points as before the dive.
Features care in the open field
Considering the “Family F1” tomato reviews, photos, yields, it becomes clear that the basis of a large product shaft is feeding.
They should be carried out 2-3 weeks after transplanting, starting with nitrogen, and then every 15-20 days. Since the formation of ovaries, potash fertilizers are added to nutrient solutions.
Tomato "Family F1" deserves the attention of vegetable growers and remains a favorite for a long time.
See also: Why does tomato seedling turn yellow and what to do about it?
Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes