
Growing tomatoes 28.08.2018

Dandelion for feeding tomatoes


Dandelions for many gardeners - this is a useless weed, which is difficult to get rid of. You should look at this plant from a different angle. This type of herb is widely used in traditional medicine, thanks to a wide range of vitamins and nutrients in its composition.

It is necessary to use this grass for the production of effective fertilizing for tomatoes.

Beneficial features

Different parts of a dandelion contain different concentrations of nutrients:

  • B vitamins (in particular B2, B6);
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • vitamin P (rutin);
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • nitrogen;
  • tannins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • organic elements, etc.

Top dressing from this weed allows not only to transfer to the soil where tomatoes grow, all the useful vitamins and substances, but also improves the quality of the soil.


It takes at least two years to prepare fertilizer from dandelion grass only. Top dressing is most effective in the form of infusion, which is prepared within a few hours.

How to cook

Water infusion of dandelion can be used both in the form of an independent culture, and in combination with other weeds and substances. To feed tomatoes, liquid fertilizer is prepared in the following sequence:

  • picking dandelion and other weeds;
  • fill the grass with hot water in a ratio of 1 to 10;
  • cooling and insisting for several days.

Fermented vegetable fertilizer is the most digestible top dressing for any vegetable crops, including tomatoes.

What weeds to cook dandelion infusion

Not all weeds are suitable for the preparation of complex fertilizer in liquid form. One of the most suitable weeds are:

  • nettle;
  • fescue;
  • star sprocket.

Each species can be combined with a dandelion, as well as prepare an infusion of all herbs together. To do this, take one part of each grass and pour 20 liters of hot water. The infusion should be left to ferment for several days.

You can not cook the infusion with dandelion and the following wild herbs - buttercup, horse sorrel, couch grass, sow thistle, burdock. These weeds contain harmful substances for tomatoes and inhibit the full growth of the crop.

How to know if weed fertilizer is ready?

To determine the readiness of infusion of dandelions for feeding tomatoes, you can:

  • by the characteristic smell of cow dung;
  • on the dirty green color of the liquid;
  • digestion bubbles on the surface (the process is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide and ammonia).

To prepare the infusion of weeds used large containers of metal or durable plastic. Grass is laid on the bottom, hot water is poured from above. You can fill the weeds with cold water, but when steaming dandelion and other plants with heated water, the fermentation process starts more intensively.

After the appearance of the smell of cow dung, the infusion should be drained and used for top dressing. Strain the liquid watered tomatoes. In the process, use a ladle or a small watering can without sprinkler.

Methods of application, in what proportions to dilute and when to apply fertilizer?

Fertilizer in the form of infusion or dandelion mix with other herbs can be used as a preparatory top dressing before planting seedlings, and as a fertilizer in the period before the flowering of tomatoes and during the setting of fruits.

Dandelion in its pure form is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 10. For 10 liters of water, 1 kg of dandelion leaves is required. If you are cooking mix-infusion, then all herbs should be poured 20 liters of heated water. After settling, it is necessary to water the soil or tomatoes. Under each taste should be shed at least 2 liters of the finished solution.


Infusion make before planting seedlings in the soil, three weeks before the flowering period and every two weeks before the setting and ripening of fruits.

Infusion of dandelions, rich in nitrogen to effectively contribute to the soil, where next year it is planned to plant tomatoes. The earth will be enriched with useful elements, essential minerals and nitrogen, necessary for intensive growth.

Advantages and disadvantages of infusion

Green infusion of weeds for feeding tomatoes is characterized by a number of advantages:

  • profitability. You do not need to spend money to purchase fertilizer;
  • ease of preparation. All you need are weeds, water, and an infusion tank;
  • environmental friendliness. It is a safe supplement that does not contain harmful substances;
  • availability. Dandelion and other weeds for infusion grow almost everywhere;
  • the ability to recycle weeds profitably. No need to think about how to dry, where to throw or how to burn distant weeds;
  • good digestibility of tomatoes. An aqueous solution allows the soil to quickly feed on useful substances that are absorbed by the root system by tomatoes;
  • rapidity. It does not take long to ferment. In warm weather, fermentation takes no more than 3-5 days;
  • soil acidity decrease. The solution has a low acidity and is characterized as alkaline. Additive in acidic soil neutralizes excess acidity;
  • soil enrichment with beneficial bacteria. Together with herbal infusion, digestion bacteria enter the soil, which continue their activity in the soil;
  • high efficiency of application. Watering tomatoes with herbal infusion of weeds has a positive effect on growth and fruiting.

By its qualities, the fermented solution is not inferior to the benefits of organic fertilizers in the form of cow manure to the soil.

Useful tips

Experienced gardeners recommend to adhere to the following rules:

  • do not prepare infusion of dandelions more than you can use;
  • after straining and use do not leave the herbal extract in an open container for longer than 7 days. Nitrogen evaporates from it, half the nutrients disappear, microorganisms die;
  • the infusion is stored in tightly closed containers in a cool place without access by the sun;
  • Fresh infusion of dandelions for feeding tomatoes can be quickly prepared by adding to the previous fermented solution closed for storage;
  • the remaining infusion is suitable for feeding other cultures;

To insist dandelion mix in August, you can add cut tops to the grass. For these purposes, suitable beet leaves, carrots, cabbage leaf.

Infusion of dandelions against pests

To combat pests and diseases of tomatoes, you can prepare a green infusion of weeds. The solution is prepared as follows:

  • prepare dandelion leaves - 350 g;
  • heat the water to a temperature of at least 50 ° C - 10 l;
  • grass is poured with water;
  • the infusion is left for 2-3 hours;
  • filter the solution and spray the tomatoes.

Dandelion infusion is effective against aphids, midges, slugs.

Dandelion is not only a weed, but also an excellent fertilizer for tomatoes, which is rich in a wide range of nutrients.

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