Tomato "King of the Giants": how to get a rich harvest

Considering the “King of the Giants” tomato, the characteristic and description of a variety, reviews, photos, yields are so different from each other that the impression is being gathered that talking about completely different varieties.
This is because the "King of the Giants" variety does not exist. In any case, at the end of 2017, it is not entered in the register of breeding achievements of either the Russian Federation, nor Ukraine and Belarus.
general information
In the market of varieties of seed bags called "King of Giants" can be found from several companies:
- ST "Agros" Siberian seeds;
- Siberian garden;
- GL Seeds;
- "Ural summer resident"
- TM "Harvest".
None of these packers produces information about the originator and the author, and it is not known what they pack up. At the same time, "Siberian Garden" claims that the seeds of Siberian selection, and TM "Crop" Ukrainian. As a result, growers share their information and have different opinions.
Characteristics and description
Judging by the name “King of Giants”, a tomato should be an impressive size. And indeed, all but one, legalized for the giant 1000 g, but the TM “Crop” modestly indicated only 800 g.
On the Internet you can find a photo in which the figures of the scales show 800 g, but the photo is a photo, but the gardeners claim that the average weight is 300-350 g.
The plant is indeterminate, tall, requiring formation and garters.
Most reviews, describing the variety, say that the leaf plate of tomatoes of a classic tomato type is green, without wrinkling.
According to some information, the vegetative form of a plant can reach 1.2 meters, according to another 2.5 meters. Gardeners say that the average height of a shoot is 1.5–1.8 m.
The shape of the fetus is a separate topic. Packing the seeds and “drawing” a picture with a flat-rounded tomato, the “producers” allow themselves to give a description of the rounded tomato. The form matters, but all producers describe it as round, and vegetable growers, as flat-round, and the photos show the benefit of a flat large tomato.
When the maturity of tomatoes comes, indicates only TM "Crop", tomatoes of average ripening time. According to the testimony of gardeners, they really cannot be called early.
See also: Description of the variety tomato "Rapunzel"
According to the descriptions of those who pack the seeds, they serve it as very fruitful, each bush produces 8 kg of tomatoes. If one fruit to lead 1 kg, then the bush gives the grower 8 giant tomatoes.
Considering that three bushes need to be planted per square meter, then the yield should be within 24 kg / m2. Of course, this is a good yield, but the weight of the tomato remains in doubt.
Those who have already managed to grow this tomato speak of large fruits (350 g), but they do not boast of high yields.
Use of variety
The one who packed up, unanimously claims that the grade has a universal purpose. However, it remains unclear how to use it for whole-canning and pickling.
Most likely, a variety of salad destination. Vegetable growers speak of it as a tasty, large tomato, from which you can cook:
- vegetable cutting;
- salad;
- ketchup;
- tomato sauce;
- adjika;
- tomato juice.
Some housewives, share their opinions, and say that a tomato can be preserved in slices, but it keeps its shape poorly and it is no longer possible to file it beautifully.
Disease and Pest Resistance
The one who submits a variety of tomato "King of Giants" to the market, argue that the variety is resistant to fungal diseases. The tomato is not sick with viral tobacco mosaic, it does not “suffice” bacterial rot.
Siberian vegetable growers, most likely, select varieties that are resistant to fluctuations in temperature indicators, therefore, the varieties are served as resistant to drops and humidity.
Reviews of vegetable growers confirm the resistance of the variety to diseases and resistance to environmental factors.
Advantages and disadvantages
Among the advantages of this variety:
- large fruits;
- good salad taste;
- disease resistance;
- resistance to climatic changes.
Features of growing varieties
Apparently the “King of the Giants” is a tall and large-fruited tomato, therefore, it must be grown in accordance with the requirements of the genetic potential.
Growing seedlings
The variety of medium ripening period, in order to get a little earlier, the seeds can be sown in late February or early March, but in this case, the seedlings need to be dimmed. If the timeline is slightly postponed, by the end of March, then we can do without additional “sun rays”.
Seed preparation
To speed up the germination of the seed it needs to be heated with high humidity. To do this, do the following:
- in a flat pot pour some warm water;
- we put toilet or filter paper;
- we spread the seeds;
- we cover with paper (everything has to be moistened, but without visibility of water);
- wrapped in a plastic bag;
- we send to a warm place.
The temperature should be in the range of 25-26 degrees. After 2-3 days, the live seeds will show signs of life (they are advanced by the root process), and it is them that will be sown.
See also: Characteristics and description of the variety "Persimmon"
Soil preparation
It is better to prepare the soil mixture in advance, in the fall. The quality of seedlings depends entirely on how carefully the soil is mixed and enriched. The health of the tomato bush will depend on the "purity" of this mixture.
To make the soil mixture is used:
- humus, which was formed during several years from overheating of horse, pork or cow manure;
- compost made from plant residues, but not from the nightshade;
- garden land, which is taken from under hardwood trees or a vegetable garden, but not after growing the solanaceous;
- coarse river sand, not containing clay impurities.
When preparing the soil, all components except sand are mixed in equal proportions, and sand is added one kilogram to the mix bucket.
Preparing such a mixture should be allowed to ripen for at least 2-3 weeks.
If you do not prepare the mixture yourself, you can purchase a universal soil for seedlings. This land has several advantages, it is:
- balanced in pH (acidity);
- enriched with mineral components, both macro and micro;
- tested for pathogens and pests;
- decontaminated if necessary;
- has good water and breathability.
Sowing seeds can be carried out in one container, followed by a mandatory picking in individual glasses.
The sequence of sowing tomatoes is as follows:
- Fill the tank with a soil mixture;
- We condense;
- Spread naklyunuvshiesya seeds at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other;
- Sprinkle with soil to 1-1.5 cm;
- Slightly compacted;
- We water from a sprayer, water is warmer than room at 2-3 ᵒС;
- Cover with glass or film;
- Set to germinate in a warm place.
Germination temperature for tomato should be in the range of 25-26 ᵒC day and night.
Seedling care
As soon as shoots appear, the temperature should be lowered to 17-18 днC during the day and 14-16 ᵒC at night. At the same time, the tub is installed on the brightest place - this will prevent excessive stretching of the seedlings.
Sowing seedlings need to stage two of these sheets. For tomato, especially tall, such as “The King of Giants” it is very important not only to plant in separate containers, but to pick them.
In order to do the work correctly, you need to completely free the plant from the ground, and then with a fingernail pin (lower) the bottom piece of the taproot by 1/3. This will make it possible to translate the root system into a fibrous one, and to increase the area of absorption of nutrients.
Then, in individual pots with a capacity of at least 0.5 l, ground mixture is poured on 1/3, compacted and seedlings are planted in the center along the seed-leaved leaves. Watering
During the seedling period, watering is carried out with warm water as the soil dries out, so that the whole earth lump is completely soaked.
Transplantation in open ground or greenhouse is carried out at the age of 55-56 days after that when the threat of return frost is over.
Transplant into the ground
Growing tomato seedlings "King of Giants" tomatoes can be planted in the garden and in the greenhouse.
Three plants should be planted per square meter.
Planting should be carried out in such a way that, if possible, the earthen room remains intact. The peculiarity of tall tomatoes and those that bear huge fruits is that it is necessary to ensure an additional growth of the root system. For this it is necessary to deepen the escape into the ground. You can do in two ways:
- To land in an inclined state;
- Plant vertically, with a strong depth of escape.
After planting, the plant is carefully watered, mulched and spud.
Nutrients are necessary for the growth of the vegetative mass, good flowering and fruit set. In order for them to be consumed by the root system, they must be in soluble state. Therefore, only regular and abundant watering can ensure optimal plant development.
In the era of drip irrigation, building a system is not difficult, and it will faithfully serve the benefit of tomato yield.
If this is not possible, it is necessary to carefully mulch the soil around the shoot.
See also: Tomato "Snow White" - description of the variety
Top dressing
If the soil in which the seedlings are planted, have low nutritional value, regular and constant feeding is needed.
Top dressing alternate mineral and organic. This technique will help balance the consumption of trace elements, as well as provide the plant with macro elements. Carry out feeding on this plan:
- 2-3 weeks after planting in open ground or greenhouse. 30 g of ammonium nitrate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The dose of introduction under the bush 0.5 liters;
- 2-3 weeks after the first feeding. In 10 liters of water dissolve 1 kg of animal manure or 0.5 kg of chicken manure. The dose of 0.5 liters for each bush;
- After 14-20 days after the second feeding. 30 g of superphosphate are dissolved in a bucket of water. Under each bush adds 0.5 liters.
A tall and large-fruited tomato is formed into one stem. When planting, they immediately equip a fixation system and garters, and as soon as the shoot grows up, they tie it to supports.
When the stepsons appear, they are removed. Overgrowth should not be allowed, the optimum length of the stepson is 3-4 cm.
The butchers divert nutrients to themselves, and the yield decreases.
As they grow, large tomatoes may also require fixation. Under the weight of the fetus, the shoot can bend and break, so daily observation and timely tying will ensure the safety of the crop.
If the weather is not favorable (heat, cold, high humidity) it is necessary to take measures to protect the plant. Depending on the circumstances, you may need:
- treatment with a solution of boric acid (to improve the set of fruits);
- spraying fungicidal drugs (with the threat of the spread of fungal diseases).
Conducting agrotechnical measures regularly and in a timely manner, without much difficulty, you can get a good harvest of tasty and large tomatoes.
Video: Growing tomatoes