Description of the characteristics of tomatoes "Cosmonaut Volkov"

Nowadays, buying seeds of different varieties of cultivated plants is not a problem, but you also need to know what to buy. You will get acquainted with one of the types of tomatoes today, namely the Cosmonaut Volkov tomato, you will also learn about it, you will see a photo of who planted these tomatoes on the plot.
Varietal characteristics and creation history
There is an opinion that this variety was named so for a reason. It was brought out by one engineer, whose field of activity was space. When this man retired, he began to do dacha affairs. To plant tomatoes in his plot, the engineer chose the best variety, after which he decided to give him a name. It was in honor of the memory of his friend. So the Cosmonaut Volkov tomato got its name.
What are its advantages?
- One of the brightest qualities of a tomato is its taste data. And it is not just words. Tomatoes "Cosmonaut Volkov" won the competition as the most delicious and fragrant tomatoes.
- Variety gives excellent yields of large fruits. The weight of one tomato can reach more than 300 grams. In itself, the fruits contain a large percentage of sugars, ascorbic acid and dry matter. There are records in terms of weight - 600 grams.
- Fruits do not have a clear symmetry along the contour, they are red with an orange subtone. Also, their surface is not smooth, and ribbed.
- Used for food, for the preparation of fresh salads, production of juices, sauces, for preservation.
- Bushes of tomatoes are very powerful, tall. They need to tie up, as the stems in length can grow up to 2 meters.
- The most common type of tomato grown cosmonaut wolves in greenhouse conditions. If the climate in the region is warm, then it can be grown in open ground.
- Tomatoes have an average ripening time. Vegetation period of 120-135 days.
- One inflorescence can form up to 8 large fruits.
As we said above, this variety is very tall, so its cultivation has its own characteristics. Namely, a tapestry should be made in the greenhouse or the ropes should be stretched. Otherwise, the stems will break under the weight of their own fruits, besides, plantings will be heavily thickened, and this affects the ripening of fruits, contributes to the development of diseases and the appearance of insects.
Tomatoes are grown seedlings. Crops begin to produce two months before the proposed transfer to the greenhouse. In the greenhouse, they need to provide a fairly wide space. One square meter is better not to plant more than two bushes. The optimal distance between them should be at least 70 cm.
Also, the grade will need to pinch. This is done in mid-July to stop strong growth. Also, be sure to remove stepchildren, form the bushes themselves.
Watering tomatoes is not necessary daily. The variety loves rare but abundant watering. After watering, it is imperative to open the greenhouse, loosen the ground around it. Increase the volume of watering during the formation of ovaries and fruits. Also open greenhouse gives access to insects for pollination. But besides the bees, pests also enter the greenhouse. The fight against the Colorado potato beetle can be carried out with the help of manual gathering of the beetle and the larvae. In greenhouses, this is easy to do, since the number of pests is much lower than during cultivation in open ground. Also, you do not have to use chemicals for processing.
It is also important to constantly feed the tomatoes. Every 10-14 days, you must pour mineral supplements at the root. Harvesting is carried out when the tomatoes are not fully ripe. Brown fruits break and put to ripen.
The description of the characteristics of tomatoes "Cosmonaut Volkov" makes it clear that the variety has something to praise. Its fruits are tasty, fragrant and weighty, but you have to work hard. You must also take into account the parameters of your greenhouse, so that the tomatoes do not take up the whole place there. It is a lot of trouble, but for real gardeners such works are pleasant.
Plant vegetables in your plot. They will give you a healthy harvest and leave in your heart a sense of pride for the work done.