Why do tomato seedlings have rotten fish?

Chasing a large crop of tomatoes, gardeners come up with unexpected options for dressings. For example, when growing and planting tomatoes, use fish or fish waste.
Some simply bury it in the ground, others prepare liquid fertilizer. Both options are not very common, but effective. The product is organic. It contains phosphorus, which is needed by tomatoes at all stages of the growing season.
Why do tomatoes fish
In the Astrakhan region, tomato lovers do not have a question why tomatoes need fish. They are well aware of its benefits. Fishing is popular there, there is always a lot of fish, tomatoes are always fed to it. When fish rot in the soil, substances are released that benefit plants:
- ammonia;
- hydrogen sulfide;
- phosphorus;
- iodine;
- manganese.
Scientists have shown that a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide kills the plant, and small doses stimulate the growth of the vegetative mass.
It makes no sense to list all the trace elements. In meat, bones contains almost the entire periodic table. With the decomposition of tissues, they all go into the soil, restore its fertility, nourish the tomatoes. Therefore, the fish put in landing hole. At the beginning of the growing season, it supplies tomatoes with phosphorus.
It stimulates the development of:
- the root system forms faster;
- root nutrition improves;
- Flower brushes appear faster.

What fish is suitable for tomatoes
Phosphorus is in any fish, so you can use any inexpensive varieties. For planting tomatoes gardeners buy sprat, sprat, capelin. Suitable for tomato any river fish. Fresh catch is an ideal fertilizer for tomatoes.
In order not to incur additional costs, they are accumulating fish waste in winter. Fish heads are frozen. They are thawed the day before planting and used just like a fresh product. Small fish is used whole, and large fish is divided into several parts.
How to bury fish when landing
Seedlings transplanted into the ground when establishing warm weather in the heated soil. The wells are placed according to the scheme corresponding to the grade:
- 30 x 50 cm - super determinant, determinant;
- 40 x 60 cm - medium tall;
- 45 x 60 cm tall.
The pits are made with a margin, deeper than usual. Put the whole or cut into pieces fish (fish heads, waste) and egg shells on the bottom. Sprinkle them with a mixture of garden soil and humus, watered.
Sown in the wells of tomato seedlings. The roots are covered with earth. Water, mulch the hole with humus. In the summer, fish fertilizer will feed the tomatoes. By the fall it completely rotten and become part of the soil.

Top dressing of tomatoes
During the active growing season, tomatoes are fed with organic matter every week. To do this, insist in a barrel mullein or grass and hoard fish waste (tails, heads, bones). Once in 3 weeks prepare a liquid feeding:
- in the meat grinder twist fish waste;
- pour them into a bucket;
- pour defended water, mix;
- leave for 1 hour;
- mix, start feeding.
At 5 liters of water add 0.5 liters of organic fertilizer, watered the ground between the bushes.
The smell of rotten fish scares away the bear, so it is buried on the ridge to protect the roots of the tomato from the pest.
Other fish fertilizers
At fish enterprises, production wastes are used to prepare organic fertilizers:
- bone flour;
- fish meal;
- fish emulsion.
Gardeners lovers use them for summer dressings and bring in the landing.
Fertilizer | Mode of application | amount | The effect of the application |
Bone Flour | Bring in the soil when planting | 1-2 tbsp. l to 1 well | Stimulates the formation of the seedling root system |
Fish flour | Bring in the soil when planting | 1-2 tbsp. l to 1 well | Stimulates the growth of roots and vegetative mass |
Fish emulsion | Root top dressing 1 time per month | A small amount of liquid is added to the water for irrigation. | Increases drought resistance, contributes to the formation of ovaries, improves the quality of fruits |
Even skeptics can try out this method. He is not complicated. It is not necessary to bury waste under each bush. For a start, it is enough to feed 1-2 bushes and evaluate the result. Next summer, use the method again if the experimental bushes have a good harvest.