Add iodine to dressing to grow larger tomatoes.

Top dressing on the basis of iodine is an excellent substitute for synthetically produced fertilizers. Its use will increase the overall stability and yield of tomatoes.
The substance is harmless to all living organisms that will be in contact with the treated plants. The mixture has gained its popularity due to its ease of use and general availability.
Useful properties of iodine for tomatoes (when you need to make feeding)
Positive properties of iodine for tomatoes:
- improving the exchange of the root system of tomatoes. Improving nutrient absorption;
- yield increase. After processing, the tomatoes begin to form an additional ovary, the fruits become large;
- the destruction of diseases of fungal origin;
- increased resistance to adverse weather conditions;
- acceleration of fruit ripening.
The basic use of a solution based on iodine suggests the beginning of the application of top dressing from the seedling period. This will allow to reach the seedlings. The second time to water or spray the tomatoes need after transplanting to the garden, when the seedlings take root (15-20 days after transplanting). During this period, just begin the process of budding.
Gardeners recommend feeding tomatoes with iodine no more than once every two weeks. After the formation of the fruit can be sprayed again to increase the number of new ovaries, as well as to accelerate the process of ripening of already established tomatoes.
Signs of iodine starvation
Iodine deficiency, like any other deficiency of micro or macro elements, can be seen from external changes that occur with plants. An insufficient amount of iodine is determined by a number of symptoms:
- The leaves on the tomatoes become sluggish, the stems grow thin and weak.
- The plant is under attack from late blight, root rot, and vertex rot.
- The ovary is formed weakly, and if it is fastened, it is much crumbling. In this case, it will not be possible to gather a rich harvest.
- With a sharp change in weather conditions (heat or cold), the plants begin to wilt, growth slows down dramatically.
Tomatoes can be fed not only with medical iodine, but also with iodine-containing substances. These include: wood ash, humus, phosphorous flour.
Top dressing on the basis of iodine (methods)
Make a solution based on iodine in two ways: root and foliar.
Root method
It involves the introduction of a solution based on iodine directly into the soil where tomatoes grow. Good for root feeding responds seedlings. Make a solution after the appearance of the first leaves on the seedlings. Spraying seedlings is inefficient, as there are practically no leaves, so they will not be able to fully absorb the useful elements. For root feeding use:
- mixture based on iodine and water. Preparation: in three liters of water at room temperature dissolve a drop of iodine. Before making the liquid, for a day, pour the seedlings with warm water. Add the resulting liquid in 50 ml per sprout.
Top-dressing recommended to produce more during fruit set, in order to activate the forces on the formation of large fruits. The solution is prepared from warm water in a volume of 10 liters and three drops of iodine. Consumption per bush is 0.5-0.7 liters;
- nutritious top dressing on the basis of water, wood ashes, iodine and boric acid. Preparation: Boil five liters of water, add a pound of ground wood powder to the powder, mix. Insist two hours. Then, bring the ash mixture to 10 liters with plain water, pour in a vial of iodine, pour out ten grams of boric acid, stir until all the components are fully combined. Leave to infuse for a day. Before use, the concentrated solution is diluted again. In ten liters of water dissolve one liter of the prepared mixture.
Foliar method
It is a sprinkling of green mass of tomatoes. Processing must be alternated with other dressings of tomatoes. There are several recipes solutions for foliar processing of tomatoes:
- a mixture based on milk, water and iodine. Preparation: pour a glass of milk into a liter of water, drip five drops of iodine, mix. Pour the solution into a sprayer. One liter is enough to spray 6 m². The use of foliar nutrition during the season is recommended 2-3 times, not more often, so as not to harm the tomatoes;
- solution based on serum, peroxide and iodine. In a bucket of water, dissolve one liter of whey, three tablespoons of peroxide, forty drops of iodine. Consumption on adult plants is one and a half liters per 10 m². Apply during budding;
- a mixture based on iodine, brilliant green and water is a remedy for the treatment of fungal diseases. In ten liters of water dissolve 40 drops of iodine and brilliant green. Plants need to be treated at the first manifestations of late blight, top rot.
Tomato processing with iodine-based solution is carried out early in the morning, when the sun is still rising, or in the evening, when it has almost set.
Precautions than dangerous iodine overdose
The use of iodine as a fertilizer carries its own risks to plants and humans, if the basic precautions are not followed.
- Iodine must be added strictly according to the recipe. If you increase the dosage, you can burn the leaves on the tomatoes, and as a result - the inevitable death of plants.
- It is not necessary to think that if you apply top dressing often, the tomatoes will grow even larger and stronger. An excess of iodine can lead to deformation of the stems, leaves and fruits. Iodine is a trace element, which means that a small amount is needed for its normal development. Therefore, use the root and foliar feeding no more than three times per season.
- When using it is necessary to observe safety precautions. Cover your mouth with a respirator to avoid breathing in iodine vapor. Protect your eyes with tight fitting glasses.
According to responses of the polled gardeners, they carry out root top dressing only for seedlings. Adult tomatoes are better to spray. Most of them use iodine-based mixture not as a top dressing, but as a means to protect against fungal diseases (phytophtoras, top rot). Also, gardeners use spraying a mixture based on iodine to accelerate the ripening of fruits. Three drops of iodine are dissolved per liter of water, fruits and leaves are sprayed when tomatoes become “milky”.