Why does the Decembrist have soft and sluggish leaves?

The Decembrist is a cactus without thorns, which got its name because of the beginning of flowering on the eve of the New Year holidays. For home care, pot culture is undemanding. But with his systematic violation of flower growers, the Decembrist noted sluggish leaves. Often the reason is excessive watering and the development of fungal diseases. If you do everything correctly in compliance with the agrotechnical requirements of cultivation, then there will be no problems with the plant.
Features of the plant

Decembrist is a plant with an epiphytic type of development. It is attached to the branches of shrub and tree species. On the windowsill, he feels great in the substrate, having a weak root system. Beginning flower growers, looking at the articular thickening of the stem, take them for leaves. Thanks to the “isthmuses” between the fleshy segments of the shoots, the bush has a sprawling appearance - the flower is used as an ampelous plant.
During the flowering period, which falls on the second half of December, funnel-shaped star-shaped inflorescences bloom at the ends of the branches. Petals are arranged in several tiers. Color often pink, but sometimes the buds are painted and white. The Decembrist blooms profusely, which attracts many flower growers who have decided to cultivate it in a pot.

Causes of leaf fatigue, how to save a flower
Decembrist shoots can become soft or wilt for two main reasons: the development of infection, missing roots. The defeat of the plant by phthium and phytophtora leads to a loss of communication between the underground and ground parts. The main reason - a violation of the irrigation system.

An exotic flower, more known to science under the name “Schlumberger”, is undemanding in comparison with other tropical plants. If the shoots from the pot culture are soft, the cause is most likely in infections, from which it has been suffering for a long time. Common phthium and phytophthora diseases affect the base of the root. As a result of watering, the substrate becomes wet, but no moisture enters the shoots.
With a weak defeat, the flower can be saved by treating the fungicide with a solution - Fitosporin, Skor, and other drugs of similar effect. If the infection develops long ago, the Decembrist is transplanted into a fresh substrate. The latter is pre-calcined in the oven for disinfection. And after the flower is sprayed with appropriate toxic chemicals to protect against disease.
Processing with pesticides is carried out in the open air in calm weather. Soil necessarily cover with foil or other handy material.
Rotting roots

If infections are excluded, and leaf lethargy is present, overmoistening may be the cause. Especially under conditions of cold temperatures, due to frequent watering, the substrate starts to turn sour, the roots rot, and the leaves do not receive the necessary nutrients. On the development of rot testifies instability Decembrist in the pot. Other negative factors are heat (the roots disappear), excess fertilizer (high concentration literally burns the underground part).To return the flower to health, it is necessary to revise the rules of agrotechnology for growing Schlumberberger.

Proper care
The Decembrist on the windowsill is a spectacular plant, which throughout its Christmas holidays gives its bright inflorescences. In order for the shoots to remain healthy, fleshy, it is necessary to organize the correct systems of watering and fertilizing, systematically inspect the flower for the presence of harmful organisms.
Lighting and temperature
A flower in its natural environment grows in the lower tier of the jungle - at home it needs a rich abundant color. So that it develops in proportion and blossoms not from one side, it is systematically turned. To the temperature regime, the Decembrist is not exacting and can withstand a drop in the mercury column to the 0 ° C mark. The maximum critical temperature is 36 ° C.
Watering and feeding
Moisturize the Decembrist moderately after the surface layer dries. Most of the moisture in a flower needs a budding and flowering phase. The level of humidity in the room is raised by placing a container with water next to the plant. Feed the culture only during the active growing season twice a month with the help of potassium phosphate fertilizers. Their concentration is halved.
Pest control

The Decembrist has strong immunity. However, in case of excessive drought, spider mites inhabit the shoots. The pest feeds on stem juice. Good prevention - systematic spraying of the crown, warm shower (acceptable before the formation of buds). With a strong settlement, the flower is sprayed with insecticidal solution according to the instructions indicated on the product packaging.
The Decembrist is a flowering plant. To avoid the problems of lethargy and softness of shoots, it is enough to follow simple care measures.