Description of the variety of tomatoes "Banana Orange"

Today you will learn about an interesting tomato, the name of which is “Banana Orange”, let's talk about the reviews, see the photos, and also about the yield and everything else that you need to know, we also note. Interesting pearl orange fruit can perfectly diversify your beds with traditional bushes.
general description
This variety was recently bred in our country. It was included in the register in 2006, but it has already managed to win its popularity. It is worth noting that the breeders worked on the creation of tomato for closed ground. This means that in most regions of our country, this tomato can be grown in greenhouse conditions. But if weather forecasts promise a hot summer, then you can take a chance and plant seedlings in open ground, in warm climates, tomatoes will grow and ripen as evenly and actively.
The variety has its advantages, one of which is high resistance to a number of diseases, which will be mentioned in the characteristics. The tomato has an unusual color, compact size of the fruit, which is convenient for home preservation in general. It is also worth noting that the summer residents reviews about the variety are always positive, especially “Banana Orange” is appreciated for its honey taste, a special aroma.
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Characteristic "Orange Banana"
Refers to indeterminate species. You do not need to pinch the growth point on the bush.
- Not standard grade. It has a medium-sized bush up to one and a half meters, the average number of leaves on the branches. It is also worth noting that the root system and the stem itself are quite powerful. The roots are strongly distributed in breadth in the soil, which should be taken into account in the agricultural practices of the "Banana Orange".
- The color of the fruit is orange, the skin is glossy, dense, but thin.
- One brush forms up to 8 fruits, the first inflorescence grows above the 8-9 leaf.
- Sheets of potato type.
- Treats tomatoes with average terms of ripening. The first fruits ripen on 105-110 day. If you plant seedlings in the open field, the timing may shift, and the bushes and fruits will be smaller.
- The variety is valued for its high resistance to common tomato diseases - phytophthora, cladosporia, and fusarium.
- The fruits look unusual not only in color, but also in their form - they are elongated, therefore such a name. Their weight is small - 100-120 grams, which is convenient for conservation in general. The skin does not crack.
- The yield from the bush - 3.5-4 kg, it is rather big and small. Per square meter is usually collected on 8-9 kg. The length of the fruit is 7-9 cm.
- Tomatoes are very well stored and transported over long distances. Can ripen indoors. When storing it is better to use a dark, cool place.
- It can grow in our country, in the neighboring and in all places where the warm climate is directly in the open field.
- It has a universal table appointment. It is worth noting that the juice, according to reviews, has a very unusual taste and a pleasant aroma. Can be used for eating fresh, in pasta, sauces, salads.
For information!
After heat treatment does not lose its useful qualities, which is considered a great plus of this tomato.
So, we conclude that the tomato variety “Banana Orange” is a worthy representative of growing on your beds. Moreover, the variety bears fruit for a long time. And, of course, we can not say how to grow an unusual tomato on the beds.
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Agrotehnika grade "Banana orange"
Growing an unusual culture is a snap. All agro techniques are fairly standard. So, the crops begin in March. We take under them the general container or tablets and pots from peat. Who will be more accessible and more accessible. If you choose the latter option, it will cost more, but you will pass the picking stage, and the seedlings can be planted immediately with a tablet and a pot in the ground. If you decide to sow in a common container, then the seeds are buried to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.
And in fact, and in another case, the seed material is better processed in a weak solution of manganese or "Zircon". With regards to the soil, the soil from the store is well suited, you can make your own. Just see that the earth is not sour, be sure to let the air through well. You can mix humus, sand, garden soil. You can take peat, make ash. This is not so important.
Planting for permanent residence of seedlings is carried out in May, if it is a greenhouse, in June, if it is open ground. In advance, it is better to provide shelter in case of cold weather. Seedlings at the time of transfer should be about 65 days. It is better to plant in a staggered manner, not forgetting that the root system is very powerful, because seedlings need at least 50 cm from each other, while the distance between rows is 60 cm.
It is also worth noting that this variety requires the formation, garters and pasynkovaniya. For some, this is a minus, but such techniques are required for most varieties. Rope or trellis must be done in advance. Form a bush in one stalk, which means that no stepchildren need to be left. Remove them once every ten days.
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To seedlings did not hit some diseases, they are sprayed with copper sulfate for prevention. Of course, you should be aware of the constant watering, loosening and mandatory ventilation of the greenhouse. And, of course, seedlings need to be fed every 10-14 days. Fertilizers are applied for the first time two weeks after transferring the seedlings, and then after about an equal interval. You can use different drugs from the store, you can make folk infusions, use organic. Tomatoes always respond well to top dressing. Most of all you need strength seedlings at the time of formation and ripening of fruits.
So, you have learned all that is necessary for growing such an unusual tomato called “Banana Orange”. We hope the information was useful to you.