
Tips 6.05.2024

Mini-greenhouse for seedlings: all ingenious is easy!

greenhouse for seedlings

Plastic transparent bottles of large capacity, along with the transportation and storage of water in them, are widely used in everyday life and in the backyard area of ​​the enterprising Russian owner. During the winter period, everyone who consumes purchased water accumulates from 2 to 10 pieces of such containers, then uses the empty container in everyday life and in the garden. It serves not only as material for various garden and garden crafts, but is used for growing seedlings of vegetables.

Mini greenhouse

Mini-greenhouses from transparent plastic containers used in two cases:

  • they sow seeds when planting;
  • they close the seedlings planted in the ground, unscrewing the lid for air access and adjusting the temperature inside the bottle.

In the first case, greenhouses are done in several ways:

  1. In the first method, the container is cut in half, the ground is poured into the lower part, watered and seeds are planted in it, covered with the upper part with a lid, which must be unscrewed from time to time to get excess condensate and air gets into the improvised greenhouse. When sprouts appear, the upper part is removed, and the seedlings are grown in the lower part of the tank until it is planted in the ground.
  2. In the second case, the plastic container is placed on the table on the side and a hole is cut from the top on three sides, without touching the fourth. This door allows you to pour into the ground, plant seeds and close the greenhouse when it is cold. If the cut-out cover opens, you can secure it with scotch tape.
  3. In the third case, the container is completely cut in half lengthwise and covered with a container with planted seeds.

Planting seeds in the ground under a plastic bottle

The ground prepared for planting in autumn is covered with black material for several days so that the earth warms up well. Then sow the seeds of cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and close the top of a five-liter transparent plastic container with a cut off bottom. As soon as the seeds come up, the lid on it is opened from time to time, giving air access inside.

Frost protection

The second use of bottles in the garden is to protect the newly planted seedlings from adverse weather conditions. The grown plants are transplanted to the place of constant growth, closing each sprout with a plastic bottle to save it from night frosts.

On a note!

If a plastic bottle is filled with water and placed in a small greenhouse, it heats up in a day, and at night it cools down and gives off heat to the nearby plants, thereby saving them from possible hypothermia.

The advantages of using plastic bottles

Planting under plastic bottles seeds of garden plants, such as cabbage and cucumbers, saves:

  • from excessive stretching, which always occurs when growing seedlings on the windows;
  • they do not occupy space on windowsills;
  • there is no earth and dirt on the windows.

The main advantages of using this material include:

  • low cost;
  • material availability;
  • durability, they can be used for several years;
  • the ability to regulate the temperature and air supply using the cover;
  • their use on sites saves landfills from unnecessary waste.

Since these bottles are available in almost any family, making a mini-greenhouse of them is not difficult, and with small landing areas, it can do without greenhouses and greenhouses. But there is a small nuance: in hot weather, plants in such hotbeds may burn, so when warm weather sets in, they must be removed.

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greenhouse for seedlingsgreenhouse for seedlings

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