
Tips 20.05.2024

How to deal with yellow leaves in geraniums


Geranium is an unpretentious plant, suitable for growing on a window sill or cultivating in an outdoor garden. With improper care, the flower affects various diseases. One of the common problems is the yellowing of foliage. The reasons for this state of the flower may be hidden in the wrong watering, violation of temperature, the absence of dressings or errors during transplantation.

Depleted soil

The most common cause of the yellowness of leaves in pelargonium is soil depletion or initially unsuitable soil mixture for growing this flower. With a deficiency of nutrients, the decorativeness of the plant is lost, the leaves gradually change shade, drying and falling off begin.

zheltye listya gerani

Understand exactly what elements are missing, it is possible by external signs:

  1. If the yellowness simultaneously covers all the leaves and spreads to the stalks and stems, the geranium lacks sulfur.
  2. With the spread of yellowness from the edge to the center on the leaves of the lower tier they say about nitrogen deficiency.
  3. When, in addition to yellowing, pelargonium leaves curl up along the edges, it lacks zinc.
  4. With a lack of phosphorus young leaves of the upper tier remain green. Old ones start to turn yellow from the edges. Then the disease covers the entire plant completely.

Elimination of signs of chlorosis is possible only at the initial stage of the disease. Save the plant can be an urgent change in a suitable soil mixture, rich in nutrients. It is better to use a primer for the cultivation of pelargonium, enriched with the necessary mineral additives. But even this soil is depleted over time. Therefore, periodically make top dressing.

Irrigation errors

The intensity and frequency of irrigation directly affect the state of the geranium. A single violation of the regime does not affect the health of the flower. But with constant waterlogging, the soil sours, and the root system begins to rot. Because of this, the nutrition of the above-ground part suffers, which is manifested in the yellowing of the foliage. If you do not fix the problem, geranium will die.


You can determine the overflow by unpleasant smell emanating from the soil. Another sign is the numerous midges settled on the surface of the soil in a pot.

To save the plant is not enough to normalize watering. Started putrefactive processes will continue. In this case, only transplantation with the obligatory revision of the roots and cutting off the damaged tissues will help.

The plant is carefully removed from the container, freeing the root system from soil particles and inspect. All roots with signs of rot cut off, grabbing a piece of healthy tissue. The underground part of pelargonium is washed and treated with fungicidal agents. After drying the roots, the flower is transplanted into fresh soil mixture. So that in the future there would be no such problems, the plant is watered only after the surface layer of soil dries out, avoiding overflows.

peresadka gerani

Wrong capacity selection

For the plant to be healthy, you need to choose the right pot for his transplant. For geraniums are not suitable too spacious containers. The diameter of the new container should be 2 cm larger than the previous one.

Too large pot leads to a slowdown in the absorption and evaporation of moisture. Because of this, the root decay begins.In too close a capacity, the root system lacks nutrients and the plant begins to fade. In both cases, the reaction of the geranium becomes a gradual yellowing of the leaves. In order to prevent stagnation of the liquid and acidification of the soil, large gravel or expanded clay is put on the bottom for drainage during transplantation.

Pests and diseases

For pelargonium, a particular danger is spider mites. These insects are very small. Therefore, it is difficult to detect their presence on the plant in time. Traces of pest activity in the form of the thinnest web on leaf plates can be detected when the insect colony is already large. Other parasites that plague geraniums are whiteflies and mealybugs. These insects bite through the leaf tissue and feed on their juice. As a result, yellowing and wilting occur in the damaged areas.


You can fight pests in many ways. At the early stage of infection help folk remedies: treatment with soapy water, infusion of onion peel. With a strong spread of insects, it is better to immediately treat the plant with insecticide preparations. Good results are obtained by spraying with the preparations "Fitoverm", "Aktellik" or "Aktara".

In addition to chlorosis, which develops from a lack of nutrients, pelargonium suffers from root rot and rust. The last disease is the most dangerous. The first signs are small yellow spots on the leaves. A few days later they dry up, acquiring a brown tint, and crack.

To save the plants cut and destroy all damaged parts. This is followed by treatment with fungicidal agents.


For spraying geraniums, drugs are diluted in strict accordance with the instructions. Before treatment, hands are necessarily protected with rubber gloves, and respiratory organs with a mask or respirator.

Improper lighting and temperature

The color of the leaf of the geranium depends on the temperature in the room. For normal development, the plant needs coolness. If the level exceeds the mark of +20 degrees, the color changes to yellowish, the turgor decreases, the drying begins.

Also the cause of yellowness can be bright lighting. With an excess of sunlight, the foliage dries. If there is a shortage of ultraviolet radiation, except for the yellow shade of the leaves, you can notice the stretching of the stems and their lethargy.

osveschenie gerani

To remedy the situation, the plant is placed in a well-lit place, but it is imperative to protect it from the bright sun by shading the light to be diffused. Geranium is better to put away from the heating devices, because this flower does not like the heat. The room is regularly ventilated so that the drafts do not touch the geranium.

Natural wilt

When a certain age is reached in plants, tissue death begins. Usually this process first captures the leaves in the lower part of the bush and is a single character. Yellowing starts from the edge of the leaf plate and gradually covers it completely. Then the outworn leaf dries out.

If yellowness appeared on one or two leaves, do not worry. Natural wilting and changing leaves do not pose a threat to the plant as a whole. Dried or yellowed leaves simply cut. Then pelargonium will continue its development.


There are several reasons for the appearance of yellowness and wilting of geranium leaves. But with the creation of a favorable microclimate for the plant and the observance of all the rules of care, soon the attractive appearance is restored and pelargonium continues to delight with its flowering.

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