Delicious adjika from ripe tomatoes and garlic

Today I suggest you to cook adjika from tomatoes and garlic. Thanks to the classic recipe from the photo, it turns out very, very tasty and fragrant, bright and rich. Cooking adzhiki is a simple and not laborious process, therefore, there are no special difficult moments in it.
Today's recipe contains tomatoes and garlic, salt, sugar and some butter. Among other things, you can add hot peppers - if you like. Adjika is just great for a lot of various dishes, it's good to serve it to meat, meatballs, and you can just eat a bit of black bread. Well, if you are a fan of such snacks, I suggest preparing an adjika for the winter.

- tomatoes - 0.5 kg,
- sugar - 1-2 tablespoons,
- salt - 1 tsp. (no slide),
- garlic - 1 head,
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.
How to cook tomato and garlic adjika
Prepare the products on the list. Tomatoes choose fleshy, sweet and very tasty. Wash the tomatoes and dry a little, after cutting the place of growth of the stem.

Cut tomatoes into arbitrary slices - you can use any method, since tomatoes will still be ground in a blender or in a meat grinder.

Choose a medium-sized garlic, disassemble the head into cloves, then peel them and chop them randomly.

If you have a good, powerful blender - great - chop ready-made tomatoes and garlic in a blender. You can also take the help of a meat grinder - chop the ingredients on the smallest grid.

Pour the tomato-garlic mass into a saucepan or stew-pan, then add sugar and add salt, pour in vegetable oil.

Boil the adjika on low heat for 45-50 minutes, when it becomes thicker, take a sample, if necessary add a little sugar, it all depends on the variety of your tomatoes, perhaps they are too sour, or, on the contrary, sweetish.

To pack adjika on sterile jars, it is better to sterilize beforehand in the dry way - in the oven. Ready adjika seal and put the covers down, cover with a blanket and leave for a day alone. That's all, rearrange the workpiece in the cellar or pantry.

Good appetite!