Raw adjika from tomato with horseradish and garlic

In the raw adjika, the main ingredient is ripe fleshy tomatoes, and other vegetables are already added to them: hot peppers, horseradish and garlic for spiciness, and sweet peppers for a more balanced taste. So that the preparation is not soured, a little vinegar and salt is added. And yet, unlike the sauce, which is boiled for several hours and then rolled into jars, adjika with horseradish and garlic from a tomato without cooking can only be stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, it is better to harvest it for winter at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn.
Under the proposed recipe with a photo adzhika turns out quite sharp and very fragrant. It has a wonderful taste and aroma of fresh vegetables and spicy additives, the components do not interrupt, but complement each other.
- ripe fleshy tomatoes - 500 gr.,
- sweet Bulgarian pepper (red) - 200 gr.,
- garlic - 100 gr.,
- Hot chilli pepper - 2 pcs.,
- horseradish root - 6-8 cm.,
- sugar - 1.5 tsp
- salt coarse - 1 tsp
- Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp.
How to cook raw adjika
Garlic is better to take winter varieties - it is more juicy, spicy. Peel the garlic teeth from the husk. Hot pepper cut into rings, remove the seeds. If you want to cook adzhika very sharp, leave the seeds and partitions - they will give an additional sharpness.

Cut fleshy tomatoes into slices, cutting off immature spots or white areas. Cut the peppers into cubes.

Horseradish spine scraped with a knife, removing a thin layer of skin. Wash and cut into small pieces.

We twist the tomatoes in a meat grinder, both kinds of pepper, garlic and horseradish. Pour the vegetable gruel into the bowl.

Add sugar and salt. Focus on your taste, after you stir, try and if necessary add more.

We pour in vinegar, any 9% of the fortress will do. Stir and leave the adjika brew for half an hour.

Fold in small sterilized jars of not more than 200 ml. Screw caps and store in the refrigerator.

In winter adjika without cooking will be a great addition to any meat dish, baked chicken, fish and other dishes. Enjoy your meal!