Tomato "Nobleman": reviews and photos

9.10.2016 Tomatoes

tomat-velmozha-otzyvy-i-fotoTomato Nobleman received a lot of reviews from those who planted this tomato variety, since you can find it under another common name - Budenovka. Why is this variety in such demand, and what unique characteristics does it have?

Variety characteristics and descriptions

Judging by the photo and reviews of those who planted it, tomato nobleman is one of the most delicious varieties of tomatoes that ripens in the middle and gives a rich harvest. This variety belongs to the varieties of Siberian breeding, and it is recommended to grow it in greenhouse conditions. But, landing in the open ground is also possible if you plant it in the southern regions, since one of the whims of the noble tomato is heat loving.

From the time of planting the seeds to the first harvest, 100 to 105 days pass and the tomatoes grow quite large. If you take into account that the Nobleman tomato belongs to the undersized varieties (the height of the bush varies from 70 to 80 centimeters), then large fruits weighing 800 grams are just an unbearable burden for the plant, which must be tied up, otherwise the bushes simply break under the weight of their juicy fruits. According to reviews about the tomato of the Nobleman of those who planted, the largest fruits reached a weight of 1200 grams. To achieve such results, it is recommended to feed the plant with special fertilizers for tomatoes, as well as water it abundantly, but not very often. Carrying out such work on the cultivation of the Nobleman's tomato is a guarantee not only of large fruits, but also of a rich harvest.


The Nobleman’s tomato belongs to the bullish heart type, and then, when you look at the photo, it slightly resembles them. The fruit has a heart-shaped and medium-silver surface with a thin skin. As for the color, the described variety has a crimson color, which distinguishes it from many other tomatoes.

The Nobleman's tomato is best suited for adding it fresh to salads, as well as for preservation. However, it is not recommended to make canned tomatoes from this variety, the most optimal option is a combined preservation, for example, lecho. From Tomato Velmozha you get the perfect tomato paste.

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A few words about growing

Plant the nobleman's tomato on seedlings should be three seedlings per square meter. At the same time, wells for planting are prepared in advance: fertilizers are added to them. It is best to plant the Nobleman's tomato in the evening. When the plant reaches a height of 50 centimeters, it can be stepson. When pinching, it is best to leave one or two shoots, then the bush will be able to fully form.

It is necessary to pinch the flowers of the plant, especially the first ones, leaving from 6 to 10 pieces on a complex brush. Extra flowers should be removed without regret, this will contribute to the development of high-quality and large fruits.


Reviews gardeners

Nobleman’s tomato is not in vain so popular, because reviews and photos those who planted contain an incredible amount of positive qualities of this tomato.

Violetta: “A fine nobleman variety that I have been growing for several years. Of the main advantages is productivity. Of all the varieties that I tried to cultivate in my beds, Velozmoza showed the highest results. The fruits ripen together, all my tomatoes grew about the same size, 800-900 grams each. When I first grew it, I did not expect such large tomatoes from small bushes, so I ignored the garter, as a result, two bushes broke. Now the bushes are always tied up, and I recommend doing this to the whole gardener so as not to lose the plants. ”

Yulia: “Tomato Noblewoman advised me to grow my mother-in-law, after I asked what kind of delicious tomatoes are included in her lecho. Taste, productivity, unpretentiousness - all these pluses have been discussed more than once. I want to note the peculiarity of the ripening of these tomatoes. They begin to ripen, not outside, but inside. That is, the pulp ripens first, and then the raspberry peel begins to become. Therefore, even if the tomatoes are still green, they can be safely cut and eaten. But, best of all, of course, pick off the already saturated color tomatoes. But if in the autumn there are feelings that the tomatoes are unripe, because they are still greenish, then knowing about the ripe core, you can safely try them. ”

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    The Nobleman's tomato is included in the State Register for the Ural and West Siberian regions for garden plots, home gardens and small farms for cultivation in open ground.

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