Tomatoes are a fairly popular vegetable crop that is found on almost every household plot. A certain attitude to growing your own seedlings requires some knowledge. As a rule, care is accompanied only by watering, since the soil contains all the necessary components that tomato seedlings need at the first stage of growth. But there are situations when minerals become scarce in the soil, or the soil is completely unsuitable for the growth of this seedling. If you do not know what to do and what to feed when tomato seedlings grow poorly, then it is best to resort to folk tips.
Watering and lighting
Tomatoes can be attributed to hygrophilous plants, oddly enough it is recommended to water them very often.Timely watering is the key to the most successful growth of seedlings and the formation of a good root system.
Also, you do not need to fill them, as this can lead to active decay and death of the plant. Everything should be in moderation; there are a number of recommendations that can help.
If seedlings grow in crates or small cups, then the moisture content of the soil is visible on the top surface of the soil. It is recommended to water the seedlings grown under such conditions every day, as the moisture evaporates quickly.
If you grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, then you can check the moisture content with your finger, just by deepening it by 4-5 centimeters.
In boxes where seedlings grow, there must be drainage so that excess water does not linger. In this case, if there is a lot of water, the excess will go away.
As for light, tomatoes need 12 hours of lighting. To do this, you need to organize the appropriate lamps, which at night will replace the sun. It is also recommended to install seedlings on window sills on the sunny side, which will accelerate growth.
The lack of sun is immediately visible, since the plant has a yellowish or light green color, which differs from a healthy one.
Feeding seedlings
These works are carried out at the first stage of seed selection. Currently, there are a considerable number of substances and vitamin complexes that can be bought in the store, but it is better to use folk recipes. This will significantly increase seed germination and accelerate growth.
That is, this is a very important stage that will give the first start to your seedlings and reduce the death of seedlings. Knowing what to feed and what to do if tomato seedlings grow poorly, you can significantly increase the final crop. There are currently a number of rules that you can follow.
After the appearance of the first true leaf, you can begin to tillage, for this various preparations are used:
- Unifor growth
- Kemira Suite.
It is recommended that at all stages of growth, mineral complexes based on phosphorus and nitrogen be added to the soil.
Be sure to treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate, which will destroy all pathogens.
After diving a tomato, the drug Uniflor-bud is introduced into the soil, which will accelerate the development of the root system.
These are the main recommendations and tips that gardeners with extensive experience use. It is also worth noting the appearance of new products on the market for garden products. You are advised to familiarize yourself with the offers in your area. Different varieties of tomatoes need different care and this must be taken into account.
Homemade dressing recipes
At home, you can independently prepare a mixture that will improve the growth of your seedlings. In this aspect, it is recommended to pre-order various components, or independently prepare the ingredients. Not many people know what to do and how to feed if tomato seedlings grow poorly in modern conditions.
There are several basic procedures with recipes that need to be carried out in stages every two weeks:
At the first stage, ready-made mineral components are used. We take 20 grams of superphosphate, which must be diluted in 10 liters of warm water. Next, add 10 grams of urea and 15 grams of potassium chloride. The resulting solution is watered all the seedlings of tomatoes.
The second stage is carried out exactly two weeks later. Dissolve about 25 grams of pure wood ash in 2 liters of warm water. The solution should be infused for about a day. After it is filtered and used for watering seedlings.
The third stage is the final one. We collect a three-liter jar of eggshell, which was previously crushed and filled with water. Egg shells should occupy 75 percent of the volume of the jar. The solution is infused for about three days. After watering, top dressing is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 3.
The presented methods are used when growing seedlings in closed ground, that is, in jars or boxes. In this situation, the root system of the plant will be able to get the trace elements it lacks from top dressing.
Feeding seedlings in the open field
When it is time to plant seedlings in open ground, you should also not forget about preparing top dressing. In this case, your mineral solution should be infused, so it is prepared in advance. Of course, you can use ready-made sets of trace elements, but you also need to plant seedlings correctly.
What to feed and what to do if tomato seedlings grow poorly, you can continue.
Basic rules and recommendations:
- Before planting, you need to pour a small amount of a mixture of high-quality humus and ash into the hole.
- To increase the yield of your tomatoes, it is recommended to use bread crumb. You can collect crackers all year round, and subsequently soak in water and lay under tomato bushes. It will be an excellent fertilizer, which will become the basis of nutrition.
- A solution based on water and superphosphate will also be an excellent option for feeding.It is necessary to process the bush itself, which will increase the absorption of useful components.
- After planting the tomato in the open ground, it is recommended to water the bushes with ash solution every 15 days. In this case, you need to dilute 200 grams of ash in a bucket of water. Insist 3-4 hours.
The popularity of tomatoes is due to their unique taste. Today, a variety of varieties of these crops are grown in household plots. Therefore, you need to know how to get the largest possible crop at the lowest possible cost. Currently, you can independently familiarize yourself with all the important nuances of growing tomatoes from seed selection to harvest.
Each stage of growing seedlings is determined by various factors and needs of the tomato. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to the schedule and use all the advice of professionals, which will lead to a good harvest.