One of the earliest and most high-yielding varieties. If you observe all the subtleties of growing, then with one meter you can get up to 10 kilograms of delicious and high-quality tomatoes. This is a fairly early variety, low, shrubs about 35 centimeters, so it does not require pinching and garters. Its fruits are also small, rounded in shape of a bright tomato color, elastic and rather fleshy. Such a tomato is intended to be grown not in a greenhouse, since it is better to plant high varieties there, but on window sills and vegetable gardens. Here's what you can learn about this variety from those who grew this tomato.
Features of cultivation and description of the variety
The seeds of this tomato should be grown in March in a slightly compacted soil. This is a very thermophilic plant, so it is important to monitor temperature changes when growing seeds of this excellent variety. Many of those who live in cold climates grow seeds before the first shoots under the film. "Liana" does not tolerate cold and even slight frosts, therefore, this variety is recommended to be grown first in the warmth and planting only when the temperature conditions are stabilized.
Variety "Liana" has a high resistance to various rot, cracking and some pests. However, even strong seedlings can hardly stand the cold. It needs not only regular fertilizer, soil mineralization, ventilation and watering, but also requires a lot of light, especially daylight. Then you can get beautiful elastic and juicy fruits with excellent taste, which will appeal to all lovers of tomatoes.
The transplant is done 60 days after sowing. At this time, the seedlings will already get much stronger, however, under adverse weather conditions and cold weather, Tomato Liana should be planted in open ground a little earlier or later. The main thing is weather stabilization. If it again became unstable, you can protect young seedlings from strong winds and cold weather. Therefore, Liang is more suitable for the warm southern climate than for the Urals or Siberia.
Harvest can be obtained already 80 days after germination. Tomatoes are bright, rounded, not very large saturated scarlet. This early plant bears fruit for quite a long time, until the autumn colds.
Features of the fruit
There are 2 varieties of fruits of the Lena variety: classic red and pink. The first is more common and differs in round, slightly elongated fruits of a beautiful scarlet shade on a thick leg, the second has an interesting mother-of-pearl pink hue. “Liana” pink is slightly larger than red and has a more watery taste, like many tomatoes of this beautiful color.
The pulp of this variety is very dense with a characteristic sweet taste without sourness. It can be used to make salads, sandwiches, canapes with various combinations of ham, cheese and tomatoes. It is perfectly cut with a sharp knife and goes well with herbs and various vegetables. The pink appearance of this variety has a more watery texture. Its pulp is more fibrous and more suitable for tomatoes, tomato pastes and juices. This variety can be consumed both fresh and canned.
The skin of this type of tomato is medium hard. The red look is less suitable for canning than the pink. Red tomatoes should be consumed fresh or for sandwiches and various cuts on the table. This variety will appeal to those who do not like sour-tasted tomatoes.In addition, "Liana" is well tolerated by those who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines, and this tomato also contains a large amount of vitamins, nicotinic acid and useful substances. Also, this variety is very convenient for long-term storage and transportation.
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