Aubrieta: growing from seeds at home

2.06.2016 Aubrieta

Aubrieta: growing from seeds at homeAubrieta stands out for its unusual beauty, which lies in the fact that it grows with a carpet and can even stretch along the walls. Many designers use it for landscape design, but not everyone hires designers, since it is much more pleasant to ennoble the estate with their own hands. Only, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to grow it and think that it is very difficult to do, but it is not. When you read this article, you will learn how to decorate your yard with a sheath flower: growing from seeds at home, because, as they say: eyes are sore and hands are made.


Aubrieta - refers to the genus of the Cabbage family. The plant is perennial and prefers to grow on rocks or riverbanks. The color of the buds can be of three colors: pink, purple and white, but if you cross two types of plants, you will get new colors. Its leaves are arranged alternately, and their edges are serrated. This beautiful plant is planted from seeds, but before planting, you need to choose the right place, which requires the following rules:


- do not plant it in clay and acidic soils,

- choose a place in the sun, as it will not bloom in the shade and begin to reach up,

- during the digging of the flowerbed, add ash or chalk so that the plant is enriched with calcium,

- she does not like waterlogged soil, so the earth must be constantly loosened,

- A large plot is needed for the plant, as it grows rapidly.

Aubrieta: growing from seeds

Since it is perennial, it can be planted not only in spring, but also in autumn, when it is still far from frost. If you want to plant it in the spring, then plant the seedlings in the month of February, as the seeds hatch for a long time, after which the seedlings need to be kept at home for about a month so that it grows stronger. When you begin to plant seedlings in the ground, then dig a hole no more than 5 cm, since its root is not long.


Aobriet does not require special care, but it needs to be fed twice a year: in the spring, so that the buds open well and in the summer after pruning. She needs watering very rarely, and often spills, only in very hot weather.

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This wonderful plant can bloom twice a season, the first flowering lasts from 4 to 7 weeks, after which it will be necessary to trim the mat under the root for the second flowering. True, every year it becomes more demanding of itself, so gardeners use cuttings so that the plant does not become too picky. In autumn, shaving rugs need to be covered with dry leaves so that the roots do not freeze in winter.

Aubrieta: growing

Aubrieta can also hurt and the most dangerous ailment for it is powdery mildew, which in a short time can destroy the whole plant, unless of course you start to fight it during time. When the plant begins to hurt, then a brown coating appears on its leaves, and after a while, the deformation begins at all. In order to cure the plant, colloidal sulfur will be needed, which will need to spray the infected areas. If you were late and could not cure the plant in time, and it all became infected, then you need to burn it out so that it does not pass to other shrubs. In addition to powdery mildew, aphids can attack it, which can be easily driven away with the help of nettle infusion, they also need to spray the shaving.


Gardeners have favorite varieties of Aubriet flower:

red king

raspberry sea

enchanting Morocco



If you want a carpet of colorful flowers to bloom all summer on your estate, then this is the plant that you want to see.Do not be afraid to experiment and plant new types of flowers in your flower bed, even if they require complex care. After all, every plant, like a person, loves when they take care of it, only some plants need this to a lesser extent, and others more.


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