10 large, fleshy and sweet varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

One tomato for salad for the whole family? It’s not fantastic if large-fruited tomatoes are planted in the greenhouse. Breeders bred varieties and hybrid forms with fruits of great weight, sweet, fleshy, and fruitful.
Pink honey
With proper care and rationing of the ovaries, this variety will delight the fruits weighing 800-1000 grams. On average, tomatoes grow to 400-500 grams.

Bushes sredneroslye, in the greenhouse grow to 1.3-1.5 meters. Leaves are few, inflorescences are simple. In terms of ripening, the variety is medium early; tomatoes are used in salads for making juices. The fruits are large, heart-shaped, rich pink-red color. The skin is thin, inside - fleshy flesh. Some gardeners grow a variety over the years, noting the sweetness and pleasant taste of tomatoes.
Mikado pink
Another representative of the group of pink fruit tomatoes, distinguished by excellent taste, resistance to disease. Mikado included in the State Register of Varieties of the Russian Federation, grown mainly in greenhouses.
Harvesting time - 100-105 days after germination. Bushes powerful, unlimited growth, in greenhouses reach about 1.6-, 18 meters. The largest fruits are formed in the lower tier, while maintaining the bush in one stem. By weight - up to 600 grams, the average weight of tomatoes - 250-300 grams.

Fruits with fleshy pulp, juicy, saturated pink color. Using:
- fresh;
- cooking sauces, juices.
It is resistant to diseases, bears fruit well in areas of high risk agriculture, provided it is fully cared for.
Cuneo giant pear
Variety from the group of indeterminate species, characterized by the power of the bush and a large weight of fruits. It grows to two meters, the best results are obtained when administered in two trunks.
Planted in greenhouses, 2-3 bush per square meter. The variety needs regular dressings, timely watering. With the right agronomist will delight the excellent collection of fruits. Tomatoes ripen in 100-110 days, used fresh and for salads.

Fruits are ribbed, round-pear-shaped, bright crimson color. Weight - 300-400 grams. The pulp is granular, sugar on a break, sweet. When you cut a tomato expires juice. There are few seeds, so those who want to sow a tomato must take care of the collection of seed material.
Bull heart
This legendary variety does not give up its position for many years. He is appreciated by summer residents of different regions, preferring a tomato for a number of merits:
- great taste;
- large fruits;
- yield (8-10 kg in greenhouses);
- suitability for transportation.
Despite the fact that this variety is distinguished by demanding care, gardeners plant it from year to year. When planting take into account the high growth of bushes (1.5-1.8 meters), spreading branches.
All varieties of Bull heart are susceptible to fungal diseases (including late blight). Therefore, from the very beginning of the growing season, preventive plantings are sprayed.
The fruits are large, heart-shaped, weighing 500-700 grams and above. Inside there is no streaks, the pulp is dense, with a minimum amount of water, with a high content of solids. Color depends on the type:
- pink
- red;
- orange.
Hybrid forms with tomatoes of yellow, white and even black color are derived.
Hamana Orange
Not so often you can see this beautiful tomato in greenhouses, as the seeds acquire it through collectors. The variety deserves attention because of its unpretentiousness, the unusual color of the fruit, great taste.
It belongs to the indeterminant varieties, grows to almost two meters. It needs supports, tying up at all stages of growth. Gives large, saturated orange color fruits. Weight on average - 600 grams, some tomatoes grow to a kilogram.

Inside - grainy tomato "meat", there is little seed. The taste is sweet, with barely perceptible notes of fruit. Use - salads, fresh cutting.
Honey Giant
The variety of domestic breeding, included in the group of indeterminate yellow fruit tomatoes. It grows well in greenhouses, does not get sick, is resistant to temperature extremes.
Tomato bushes differ in strength, in height - 1.5-2 meters. The leaves are average, the inflorescences are simple. To start collecting after 110-115 days, removing green, in a state of technical ripeness of the fruit. If you wish to take your seeds, the fruits are left to ripen on the bushes.

Tomatoes weighing about 300 grams, with meaty contents. The skin is yellow, the flesh is golden with a pinkish sheen. Tastes excellent, few seeds. There are distant honey notes. Usage: fresh, on juices and sauces.
Black pineapple
Foreign breeders bred a lot of varieties of large-fruited tomatoes of unusual color. Exotic Black Pineapple, which is praised for long-term fruiting and bright rich taste, is one of such.
Main characteristics:
- indeterminate tomato type, height - 1.8 meters;
- fruits weighing 400-500 grams, even, fleshy;
- the color of the tomatoes is brown with green splashes, the flesh is pink-yellow-green;
- taste - fruity, with hints of citrus.

The flesh is creamy, oily, thin skin. Fruits are not suitable for storage, so they are immediately allowed into salads or processed for sauce, juice.
The watermelon will delight you with its excellent yield. Its fruits are bright red, fleshy, and have a flat-round shape. By weight reach about 400 grams, almost no small copies.
Plants up to 1.8 meters high, with beautiful “potato” leaves.
In the greenhouse, it is desirable to grow watermelon on the trellis.
The tomato is demanding to feed, therefore, from the second half of the growing season, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are necessarily introduced. Formed in two trunks, in a timely manner removing all lateral shoots.
- salads;
- cooking pasta;
- preparation of juices, sauces.
The variety is not very susceptible to diseases, but is prone to cracking the fruit.
Giant lemon
By the success of Russian breeders can safely include the breeding of this large-fruited variety. He is demanding of the regime of watering, fertilizing, but if the rules of agricultural technology are observed, he will be pleased with a large number of tasty lemon-yellow tomatoes.
The tomato is indeterminate, tall, with powerful well leafy bushes. In greenhouses it grows to almost 2.5 meters, so high shelters are selected for planting.
Forms brushes of 4-7 fruits, on a bush - 5-8 inflorescences. Yellow tomatoes rounded, slightly ribbed. Inside - a large number of cameras with small seeds. The flesh is dense, beautiful lemon color. These fruits have a high content of carotene and vitamin C. Weight - 500-700 grams. The taste is sweetish, with very weak sourness.

From a plant collect 6-7 kg. Use fresh fruits for soups, sauces, mashed potatoes. Processed into juice, getting a fortified product saturated yellow colors with a subtle lemon flavor.
A variety of Italian breeding, stands out with fleshy fruits and sweet taste. Tomato is very fruitful, even in temperate climate in greenhouses it gives up to 5-6 kg per bush.
For ripening - mid-season, remove tomatoes in a state of technical maturity after 110-115 days. Bushes up to 1.8 meters (in shelters), sprawling. Gardeners prefer to keep the variety in two stalks.

The fruits are large, weighing 600-800 grams.Inside - raspberry pulp, with a small number of seeds. When rationing the ovaries, Belmonte bushes are grown with fruits up to 900-1200 grams. The main purpose of this “giant” is salads. Disease resistant, but preventive spraying is required.

Grow a large-fruited tomato - the dream of every summer resident. The line of various varieties and hybrids allows you to choose a tomato for every taste and color, the main thing is to provide the plants with proper care.