Characteristics of tomato "Beefsteak"

We present to you different reviews of tomatoes, you can learn a lot of useful information about the culture, get acquainted with a new variety, choose the most suitable one for you. This article is no exception. Meet the tomato "Beefsteak" and its description of the variety, photos and reviews.
general information
Tomato is bred in the USA. He is very much in demand there. The situation is similar in Canada. It is suitable for growing in greenhouses and in the open field. But it is preferable to grow it in closed conditions in a temperate climate, in the south it is suitable and open ground. This variety is unpretentious, it does not care much for many diseases, it has large fruits, it is well tolerated by a number of diseases.
With regards to reviews, they are quite decent. Sometimes there is only information that the fruits can crack, and manufacturers declare the absence of this problem. But again, the fruits can crack from the wrong care. Let's talk in more detail about this tomato.
See also: Diseases of tomatoes, a description with photos and methods of treatment
Tomato "Beefsteak". Characteristics and description of the variety
Refers to indeterminate species.
- Large-fruited - on average, tomatoes weigh 300-500 grams, but gardeners say that you can grow fruits up to a kilogram of weight.
- It has medium early ripening. You will receive your first giant tomatoes in about 85-90 days, depending on conditions and region.
- Support is required, especially during fruiting, as the branches can break.
- It is necessary to form bushes in 1-2 stems.
- Fruits have a bright red color. They can have strongly pronounced edges and be flatter. This variety also has a vegetable counterpart “Big White Beefsteak” tomato. It also has a powerful bush, large fruits of a light-green color.
- Productivity - 8-10 kg from square meter. In the dacha responses, you can find information that this variety does not always have abundant fruit, only a few fruits can ripen on the bushes, but all of them are very large.
- The flesh is pleasant, fleshy, which gave reason to call the variety.
- Fruits can be used for making juices, sauces, salads, canned in cut form.
- It has a high resistance to mosaic, kladosporiozu.
- Can be harvested immature and sing at home without access to sunlight.
- Unpretentious, as they say the producers of tomato "Beefsteak" and reviews. Photos of the bush can see below.
So, as performed, these giants can surprise and please any summer resident. Now it is necessary to say how to grow this tomato.
"Steak". Cultivation
In the third decade of March, this variety begins to be sown on seedlings under glass or film to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. After sowing, moisten with a spray bottle. With 2-3 true leaves, they do a pick. You can feed the seedlings once at home and 2-3 times already in a permanent place. Here you can buy a ready product, you can take organic or traditional methods. Tomatoes love and respond well to all sub-foods. But do not fill with fertilizers, otherwise greens will grow, but fruits will not be 2-3 times in 14-20 days.
To a permanent place, the Beefsteak grade of tomato is transferred when the seedlings are 50-60 days, after all frosts. In the greenhouse can be planted at the end of April. Although the variety is stable, it is still better to shed the soil with boiling water with copper-containing preparations or manganese. Put humus, ash and sand in the wells. Provide support in advance.You can grow bushes, removing all stepchildren at once, or leaving one at the top to form a second stem. During fruiting should be abundant watering, but do not pour. Be sure to loosen the soil that will save from stagnation, disease, rot. Tomatoes "Beefsteak" ripen evenly, as the summer residents say, but you can remove some of the leaves. You can additionally hold and foliar feeding.
This will be quite enough, of course, plus the removal of weeds. You will be surprised how big and juicy tomatoes can grow as a result.