Tomato juice for the winter

Fruit juice from ripe tomatoes is a necessary thing in each hostess’s arsenal. You can not only drink it, but also make different sauces, dressings, dips, add to the first and second dishes, vegetable stew, cabbage rolls and meatballs. Almost everywhere you can apply tomato juice. It is very easily harvested for the winter at home, but the taste is just delicious.
The list of ingredients consists of only two ingredients: the actual tomatoes and salt. As you can see, fruit juice from tomatoes is not only tasty and rich, but also very useful for the body, especially in winter, when we are sorely lacking in vitamins.
Ingredients (for five half-liter jars):
- tomatoes - 4000 g;
- salt large kitchen - to taste.

How to cook tomato juice
Tomatoes take any variety, the main thing is ripe, fleshy and without damage. We wash all the fruits.

Before passing through a meat grinder, for convenience, we cut each fruit into several pieces, remove the green core.

After we pass through the grinder. Of course, you can use a blender, but it will be inconvenient, since we took a large number of tomatoes. Pour the mashed potatoes into a saucepan and boil for about half an hour, until foam appears.

Next, add salt.

Stir so that it is evenly distributed.

Hot tomato juice with mousse is poured into sterilized banks in advance.

It remains only to roll up the jars with steamed lids and put them upside down.

And after our blanks cool, you can safely take them to the cellar or a cool, darkened storage room.