Tomato "Orange Heart": description of the variety

So, the topic of the article is the orange heart tomato. He has good reviews, photos, who planted, you can also look in our article. It is suitable for allergies, and due to a large percentage of sugars can be used for feeding children. Of course, tomatoes are useful, it is easy to grow them.
general description
This tomato was bred by Russian breeders. It has a beautiful orange color in the phase of full maturity and yellow-green, until it has matured. Tomato contains many nutrients, macro-and micronutrients, vitamins. Recommended for use by all.
If you are looking for a good variety that will stably produce fruit, while tasty, fragrant and little sick, then here is the Orange Heart tomato for you. Do not confuse it with the tomato "Yellow Heart" and the summer residents about it. Although powerful bushes that require formation and garters, but for some it is a minus, it does not diminish all the advantages of a tomato. He is unpretentious, he does not need special, complex techniques of agricultural engineering. Everything is standard, but the result is excellent. You can even grow a tall and productive tomato without gardening skills.
See also: Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions
Tomato "Orange Heart". Characteristics and description of the variety
Variety refers to crops with an average ripening period, after about 100-110 days you can get your first crop. But again, remember that the dates may shift in one direction or another depending on the region, weather conditions in a given year, and, of course, care.
- Bushes grow powerful, with dark green leaves. Height can reach up to 1.8-2 meters. Such a tomato needs a garter to a stable support. You may also need support and branches with fruits, as they are very large.
- The mass of tomatoes can reach up to 300 grams or more, but there are more compact fruits - 100 grams each. The last will be very convenient to preserve as a whole.
- Tomatoes have a rich orange color. When mature, there is a bright green spot on the stem, pronounced ribbing.
- Suitable for cultivation in all regions of our country, in a cooler climate greenhouses are used. In general, although the tomato can be grown on the street and indoors, in the second case, the harvest is always greater, the bushes are higher.
- Refers to salad species. The fruit is very tasty fresh, suitable for twisting in cut form, in general. Housewives note the richness and thickness of the juice, which is made from this variety of tomatoes. It can be drunk both fresh and boiled.
- High-yielding tomato.
- It has high resistance to many diseases of tomatoes. There are diseases that can affect the fruits, they will be written about in agricultural practices.
- It requires the formation of 2 stems, also the bushes have dense foliage, it is better to remove it partially, so that the crop can ripen well.
- The shape of the fruit of this variety is noteworthy - it is in the form of a heart, for which the name was given.
- The taste is dominated by notes of fruit, tomatoes are sweet, fragrant.
- Unpretentious and easy to care for.
- Fruits are well stored, easily transported over long distances. Can be grown tomato for sale.
- Seeds in the cells are few.
You have already met the “Orange Heart” tomato variety, its reviews, looked at the photos, and understood that the yield is good. But how to grow this tomato, you still do not know. Although experienced gardeners will not discover anything new for themselves, the variety is very easy to maintain and has quite traditional methods in agricultural technology.For beginners in the garden business the following information will be useful.
Agrotehnika varieties "Orange Heart"
Crops begin in late February and until mid-March. The soil can be bought immediately ready, you can use the simplest recipe - it is humus and the land from the garden in equal parts. But here it is better to take the soil after such predecessors as cabbage, cucumbers, legumes, onions, herbs, but not from where tomatoes and potatoes grew. Otherwise, there is a high risk to enter the disease.
To better seedlings grow, add ash and potassium sulfate to the ground. It is also recommended to conduct pre-sowing treatment.
So, to give your future seedlings more strength and immunity, it is better to soak the seeds in a solution of manganese. After that, before planting, place the seed in a growth stimulator - “Heteroauxin”, “Epin extra”, “Kornevin”. Further, you can sow the seeds in boxes, without deepening more than 1.5 cm. Between the seeds, the distance is about 1-1.5 cm. After you moisten the soil, cover it with a film before the seedlings ascend. In the phase of 2-3 leaves, picks are carried out in separate pots, it is better to take peat ones.
Further, the maintenance is simple - watering, but only as it dries, you can make a complex preparation once, if you have not added anything to the soil before, you have not bought ready nutrient soil. The transfer will be on the street in early June, in the greenhouse - in May. Before the street it is better to temper the seedlings for 14 days. After the transfer of the first days it is better to warm the seedlings with foil.
Planting is carried out in the ground after its pretreatment with boiling water, making a spoonful of mineral dressing. Water for watering young seedlings need to take warm. It is better to form and tie bushes immediately. To make two stems, remove all stepchildren and lower leaves to the upper sinus, here one stepchild is pulled off, the second is left. It is also worth noting that one meter is better not to plant more than 2-3 bushes.
To prevent your tomatoes from getting rot, plantings need to be treated with copper-containing drugs, you can use a weak solution of manganese for spraying. Be sure that there is no stagnation of moisture, always air the greenhouse. From pests, however, an infusion of celandine, soapy water, an infusion of weeds, pepper, help. If slugs are wound up, they can be overcome with a weak solution of ammonia.
With regards to the feed, then 3-4 times will be enough, you can alternate the drug from the store, where there is a complex of mineral substances with a solution of mullein. Tomatoes are very fond of chicken droppings, dung. Be sure to fertilize pre-diluted in large quantities of water, insist. Shed in the evening saplings. Also remember about loosening, removing weeds.
To make tomatoes better form the ovary, give some flowers during flowering. It can be all small, deformed inflorescences.
That's the whole agronomy of the tomato "Orange Heart". It's pretty easy. Cope you can even without much experience.