Tomato pear "Tlakolula", characteristic and description

The most interesting reviews and photos, the best yield and beautiful name - all this has this tomato. We are used to plant varieties in our beds that were bred in Russia or in nearby countries. The same tomato from distant Mexico. But it is not only unusual in that tomato seeds are rarely where to be found, and there are few fruits in the market, but also the fact that tomatoes have a unique shape. It is a pronounced pear-shaped. Summer residents are very fond of this tomato. Let's talk about the rest qualities of the variety further.
For information!
In ordinary stores you can rarely find any unusual varieties of vegetable crops, flowers. Therefore, in order not to waste time, it is better to order seed material via the Internet.
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Description of tomato "Tlakolula"
Variety refers to tomatoes with medium ripening. The first fruits you can collect in 110-115 days after sowing the seeds.
- Type - determinant. The height of the bush reaches one and a half meters, it develops well and grows quickly.
- Fruits have a raspberry color.
- Weight of tomatoes from 100 to 300 grams. They are compact, can be preserved as a whole.
- The shape is unusual, the fruits look like pears, but they have a lot of ribs.
- Variety with universal dining destination. Fruits can be consumed fresh, different sauces, salads can be made from them.
- Grown in the greenhouse and on the street.
- High-yielding variety.
- Tomatoes have a great taste, a pleasant tomato flavor. Valued for sweet notes, high nutritional value.
- Distinguished by their simplicity.
- One brush forms 6-7 pear-shaped fruits.
- The variety requires the formation of 1-2 stems for maximum yield.
- Fruits are well stored, can be transported over long distances.
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The nuances of agricultural engineering
Characteristics of tomato "Tlakolula" says that the variety is unpretentious. Grow it easy, but you need to take into account a few tips. During planting in the wells it is better to pour a spoonful of table potassium sulfate and superphosphate. It is also important to water the bushes only after they are completely dry from the last watering. This variety does not like excess moisture, watering is required only on hot days. To make the crop bigger, leave two stalks with five tassels. Garter is better to provide the stem and branches with fruits, because they can break under the weight of the crop. Another important nuance is that when the fruits begin to ripen, all dried and old foliage must be removed. That's all the details. The rest of the variety does not differ from most ordinary and familiar tomatoes.