Prague salad with peppers and beef

Prepare a delicious salad "Prague" with peppers and beef. The main ingredient in the salad is meat. In the classic recipe, the meat is fried, in other variations, the beef can be boiled or baked. If you cook the meat, immerse it in boiling water so that the beef will “seal” faster and preserve the flavor.
In cold water, meat is put when preparing a rich soup broth. If you decide to bake beef, then choose the softest cut (fillet, spatula) and bake in foil at a temperature not higher than 180 degrees. The baking time depends on the size of the piece: a cut weighing 500-700 grams is sufficient to bake for one hour, a kilogram piece is baked for one and a half hours, then we add another half hour for each kilogram. Cooked meat must be cooled and then cut into a salad. We offer to try our recipe with step by step photos.
- boiled or baked beef - 200 gr;
- Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs. different colors;
- onion - 1 small head;
- pickled cucumbers or pickled - 1-2 pieces;
- hard cheese - 50 gr;
- parsley - 2-3 sprigs;
- mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. l;
- vinegar - 0.5 tbsp. l;
- salt and sugar - pinch for marinade.
How to make a salad "Prague" with beef
Onion cut in half, put the flat side on the board and cut into height with long thin feathers. Pour into a bowl, add salt, sugar and vinegar. Mix the onions with the marinade, leave to marinate for ten minutes.

Cut the sweet pepper in half, shake out the seeds and then cut each half in half. Shred pepper in short bars.

Salted or pickled cucumbers cut into slices, then cut into short strips. Add to pepper.

Cut a slice of hard cheese into bars or dice. You should not grind grated, as the salad should feel the taste of each ingredient.

Beef cut into slices. Each cut across the fibers are not very long sticks.

Add pickled onions to the salad, wring from the marinade. If you do not want to pickle onions, but you need to remove the bitterness, scald with boiling water and then pour over cold water. The onions soften a little, the bitterness will go away, but the dense texture will remain, while there will be no taste of boiled onions.

Finely chop the parsley. Sprinkle the salad. We fill with thick homemade mayonnaise. We mix everything. Salting a salad or not is a matter of taste. In principle, there is enough salt in cucumbers, cheese and mayonnaise, and the meat was salted during cooking.

We spread the salad in a slide, decorate with pepper of a contrasting color. Immediately served to the table, the salad is not necessary to insist.

Enjoy your meal!