Tomatoes, grated with garlic for the winter

Cook the tomatoes, rubbed with garlic for the winter. I suggest you a recipe of thick tomato paste, which can be used to make soups, borscht, gravy for meat or as a ready-made sauce for pasta.
Tomatoes need to be prepared in late summer or autumn, when the vegetables are fully ripe in the sun in the open ground. To get the rubbed mass bright red, I do not advise using a blender, it is better to wipe the vegetables through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder.
It takes 50 minutes to cook.
From the products listed in the recipe, get 1 liter.
- tomatoes - 2 kg;
- garlic - 3 heads;
- table salt - 30 g;
- sugar - 50 g;
- Apple vinegar - 15 ml.
How to cook tomatoes with garlic for the winter
We choose for the recipe meaty tomatoes, fully ripened, with no visible damage or signs of damage. Carefully wash vegetables, cut into several slices, put in a deep saucepan with a thick bottom.
We put the saucepan, covered with a lid, on the stove. First, make a small fire, after the juice stands out, increase the fire, simmer the tomatoes for about 20 minutes.

We turn back steamed vegetables on a sieve. Immediately drain a lot of fluid. In order to make the preform thick, it is better not to use this liquid; it can be useful for making sauce or soup.
The remaining tomatoes in the sieve rubbed, the resulting puree should be uniform and thick.
If the tomatoes are very juicy and the mass is liquid, then, in the future, it should be boiled down longer.

Pour the tomato puree into a saucepan, pour sugar and salt without additives, stir, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes.

Peel the garlic heads, skip the peeled teeth through a garlic press, add to the saucepan with tomato puree, bring to the boil again. Cook for another 10 minutes, remove from heat, pour vinegar.

Purely washed cans are dried in the oven at 110 degrees Celsius. Pour boiling mass into hot jars, immediately tightly corked. We turn the cans down the neck onto the lid, wrap it in a warm rug, and leave it for 10 hours.

Then we remove the blanks for storage in a cool place.