
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 8.05.2017

Description of the variety of tomatoes "Golden domes"

tomato golden domes variety description photo reviews

In our articles you get acquainted with different tomatoes and their descriptions, of course, we are talking about agricultural technology. And the theme today is yellow tomatoes, whose name is “Golden Domes”. Tomatoes, the description and photos of which you will see in this article, are very popular among gardeners, they have their pros and cons, read about everything further.

general description

This variety was bred in the new century by Siberian breeders. They are famous for their good tomatoes. Bushes are not very tall, not hybrid. You can collect seeds every year and use them for the next season of summer plantings. Tomato "Golden domes" gardeners love for its large, juicy, very tasty fruit. Yes, and the yield can not but rejoice, which you will learn further.

Tomatoes you can grow in the greenhouse and on the street. In the first case, the bushes will be higher - up to 1.5 meters, the harvest is greater, but in the open field you will not be disappointed with the results. Summer residents often say that “Golden domes” have only merits and no flaws, so they grow a tomato from year to year. And you will further understand why.

See also: Tomato "Mazarin": characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato variety "Golden domes". Description

  • Determinant view. Height can be from 80 to 150 cm.
  • Not standard grade.
  • High-yielding - one square meter of planting can produce up to 13 or more kilograms of fruit.
  • It has excellent resistance to major diseases of tomatoes.
  • Treats species with average terms of maturing. You will receive yellow fruit about 110-116 days after sowing.
  • Tomatoes "Golden domes" are very tasty, juicy, fragrant. Many people prefer yellow and orange varieties of tomatoes, as they often have more nutrients in their composition than red vegetable counterparts.
  • Tomatoes are fleshy, there is a slight ribbing, slightly flattened.
  • The yield of 76%.
  • Skin color is yellow or orange. The weight of tomatoes can reach up to 800 grams. On average, the fruits of 200-400 grams. Large tomatoes are not suitable for canning in general, but they are great in fresh salads, juices, sauces. Dishes always look more appetizing and aesthetically pleasing.
  • After ripening, tomatoes are best eaten right away, since they can be stored for a very long time, which can still be attributed to minus varieties. But at hostesses they are not stale due to the fact that the harvest is very tasty and fragrant.
  • Suitable for cultivation in all regions of Russia.
  • There are an average number of seeds in a fruit, there are only four chambers.

This is a tomato "Golden domes" and a description of the variety. Photos and reviews can say a lot, but still every summer resident, especially a novice, is worried about whether he can grow this particular tomato. For this we write to you about the method of cultivation, and read about it further.

See also: Tomato "Intuition" reviews, photos, yield

Agrotehnika tomato "Golden domes"

Crops begin two months before the transfer to the open ground, in each region the time is different. You can always look at the dates in the lunar calendar, which is an assistant for the summer resident. Tomatoes are disease resistant, therefore presowing treatment will only consist in immersing seeds in a growth stimulator. It'll be enough.

The crops you sow to a depth of 2 cm, under the film. Moisturize the earth and placed in a room where 23-25 ​​degrees. Soil can be bought in the store. Seedlings dive when they have 3-4 leaves in separate pots, it is better to take those that can be immediately placed in the ground.Tomatoes respond very well to complex mineral feeds, so you can deposit them once, while seedlings are at home and 3-4 times in a permanent place.

Remember that always large-fruited and high varieties require reliable support. Here you will also need to form seedlings in 1-2 stems. Planting on the street or in the greenhouse should be at a distance of not less than 40 cm, and predecessors are important - plant seedlings after cabbage, greenery, herbs, cucumbers. Add superphosphate to the well.

See also: Tomato "Krasnobay": characteristics and description of the variety

The rest of the traditional and simple care - watering, loosening, removing weeds. To form two stems, leave one stepchild above. From pests using either traditional methods, for example, infusions on weeds, spices, or purchased insecticides. Remember that drugs are better to take those that do not harm the sustainability of the crop.

Pretty simple actions you have to perform with this variety. As a result, you get the perfect tomatoes, juicy, fragrant and tasty.

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tomato golden domes variety description photo reviewstomato golden domes variety description photo reviews

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