Tomato blanks
In the harvest season, each hostess tries to make harvesting tomatoes for the winter so that you will lick your fingers. On our website you can find recipes for pickles, pickles, sauces and all kinds of salads. In order to tasty and usefully prepare tomatoes for future use for the whole family, only desire is needed.
Grown on the site with their own hands tomatoes are so sweet, fragrant! How not to cook lecho from them, raw or boiled adjika, just pickle in a keg. Labor fill the banks with vegetables and fill them with brine, will not make. Is it possible to prepare tomatoes so that their loved ones are surprised and admired by their relatives? Of course. But, here you need to try!
In this section, you will find a time-tested and experienced housewives recipe pickling, drying, drying and freezing, salting and sourdough tomatoes. Didn't try tomato jam? Be sure to show how to cook it. And also we will recommend over a dozen variants of pasta, which is many times better than the shop “Tomato”.
Tomatoes contain carotenoid pigment - lycopene, which increases in volume by one third after just a couple of minutes after heat treatment. In other words - this is the best natural antioxidant.
Catching up with homework is very important to comply with technology. How to properly sterilize containers, safely preserve and freeze the vegetables, keeping them useful substances, we will tell.