Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions
Modern varieties of tomatoes are so diverse that even an experienced vegetable grower is not always able to correctly navigate the choice.
Carrying out a description of varieties of tomatoes, referring to reviews of gardeners, as well as showing a photo, the catalog is trying with all its might to help make the right choice.
Picking up the seeds and delving into the description of the varieties of tomatoes, thanks to the rubric, one can easily imagine the height and habit of the plant form, the need to form a shrub. To determine the size, shape, color, type of plant, direction of use, ripening period and region of tolerance.
They will help to choose tomatoes, a description of the variety, photos, reviews of those who have already managed to try a novelty on their beds, as well as instructions from the authors of varietal novelties.
The rubric will introduce the lack of varietal tomatoes of each variety, which will allow the grower to make the right choice and not be disappointed, but to get a high, stable crop of tasty tomatoes from year to year.