Potatoes are registered in the menu of a considerable number of families. Typically, the waste after it is cleaned is at least the fifth ...
Biohumus is an organic substance that is created using earthworms. Their activity improves the composition of the soil. ...
Humus is a substrate for fertilizing crops. Top dressing should be done according to the rules, just like ...
Phosphorus is an essential chemical element that takes an active part in all stages of the growth of garden crops. ...
Humus is the result of decomposition of organic residues. Subsequently, under the influence of bacteria, humates are formed from it. ...
The Colorado potato beetle is a dangerous pest. The insect can destroy the planting of potatoes and other plants in a short time ...
Determining orchid disease and prescribing the right medicine can be very difficult. The best action in such cases ...
At the very beginning of the development of crop production, classical technologies assumed the use of manure as the main fertilizer, and ...
Garlic contains a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins. It has antifungal, antiseptic properties, helps orchid ...
For good growth, development during the growing season and a decent harvest, crops need fertile soil ...