Zoned tomato varieties developed by Siberian breeders for risky farming zones with positive summer temperatures ...
Varieties, Greenhouse
Growing any kind of tomato that is suitable for polycarbonate greenhouses is a little harder than growing tomatoes ...
Today you can see a great variety of tomatoes, which will differ not only in the name of the variety, but also ...
Varieties, Greenhouse
Many gardeners and gardeners throughout Russia plant the first tomato sprouts not in open ground, ...
The calendar
Already not only astronomers, but also gardeners of practice, know for sure what exactly the phases of the moon determine ...
Tomato is a vegetable so popular that not a single holiday menu is complete without it. And ...
Diseases and Pests, Greenhouse
Many summer residents, having taken at least not a big plot, decide to grow tomatoes, choosing for this a greenhouse from ...
Increasingly, gardeners give preference to polycarbonate greenhouses for growing a garden, and this is justified. Such ...
Tomatoes in our areas may not behave exactly as we wish. They raised it ...
For some reason, not all gardeners think about how to properly place the beds in the garden or in ...