Pest control is an important step in growing cabbage, but not everyone wants it ...
Zozulya F1 is a hybrid bred by specialists from the breeding station to them. IN AND. Edelstein. Entered in ...
German F1 is a hybrid bred by Dutch breeders by crossing several varieties of cucumbers. To the state registry ...
Cucumber "Courage" - a hybrid of the first generation, which has gained popularity for the ability to give a rich harvest even ...
The usefulness of carrots in raw and heat-treated form is very high. This explains the interest of summer residents ...
You can grow a plant from the seed of a vegetable bought in a store, even with a full crop. Germination ...
So that the properties of potatoes are not lost, it must be stored in cool (in the cellar or basement). If ...
Varieties of cucumbers are classified by maturity, taste and purpose of the fruit, by the duration of fruiting. However, more ...
Tomatoes and cucumbers can be grown not only by traditional methods in a greenhouse or in the open ground. ...
For the most efficient use of the garden area, some vegetable growers plant onions together with other crops on one ...