Many housewives do not favor quince, because in fresh form it is not very sweet, but rather ...
Jams, homemade compotes, juices - these are the sweets that delight people in the cold, long winter, when most ...
Sorrel, a useful herb that, even when frozen, retains its palatability. And therefore, if you ...
In winter, any preparations are pleasing, because the season of most fruits passes. Berries disappear, some vegetables. Of course, the finished ...
If you have never cooked caviar from zucchini with mayonnaise and tomato paste, ...
Fragrant garlic has been used in cooking for a long time, however, most housewives choose cloves, but the stems of the plant ...
Many housewives, in addition to berry and vegetable preservation, harvest herbs for the winter. Do it in many ways ...
How beautifully decorate tea rose bushes garden! But few people know that of these petals ...
At the beginning of summer, when strawberries appear, adults and children with great pleasure absorb this sweet ...
Canned vegetables or fruits help to restore vitamins deficiency in winter, when finding fresh ones is not easy. To ...