How many potatoes does one bush produce? 5, 10, 15? And can it give a whole bucket? Can! ...
15.12.2017 Diseases and Pests
Such a disease as late blight or brown rot, a common phenomenon in summer cottages. ...
6.05.2017 Varieties
Among the many varieties of Dutch potatoes, Red Scarlet is one of the most famous, although it was bred relatively recently. ...
8.04.2017 Varieties
The work of a gardener is not easy, fascinating and has a number of its nuances. For example, you need to know the needs of varieties of vegetables, ...
2.04.2017 Varieties
Potatoes have more than a dozen different varieties with their pros and cons. Most have a number ...
1.04.2017 Varieties
Those who are engaged in gardening, or at least a couple of times been in the market, large supermarkets, they noticed ...
1.04.2017 Varieties
A potato can also be different, it is noticeable to anyone who has ever visited a market or a big one ...
1.04.2017 Varieties
Many years of selection give their results and now the Gala potatoes, the variety description, photos and reviews are eloquent ...
23.11.2016 Diseases and Pests
The bug wireworm for potatoes does not carry any danger. But its larvae feed on potato tubers ...
21.11.2016 Diseases and Pests
By autumn, gardeners often come across the fact that they planted and harvested with such love ...